Page 91 of Cruel Bargain

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“Do you like that?”

“I don’t know.”

“Will you hurry?”


“I’m still horny from what you did to me.”

I line my cock up with her center and surge into her tightness. She gives a small yelp but digs into my ass with her heels.

Nothing about this is at all normal for me. For one, I’m not starting at someone suffering in a corner, but also, my partners have never been enthusiastic. Merely relieved.

Fiona keeps making sounds. Guttural and choking. It’s distracting and I consider clamping my hand over her mouth, but decide to trudge through.

Beneath me, she jerks. Hands claw my shoulders as her sounds turn to mewls. All at once, her cunt constricts, becoming impossibly tight.

My balls pull up, and inexplicably, I come too.

It’s never happened like this before.

Fiona’s limbs go limp and fall to the bed.

She’s not like other women. She doesn’t look at me like the others, and she’s seemingly okay with what I’ve done.

Perhaps she does belong in the Keep. I’d have to convince her not to tell them what I’ve done, but fear and hope are great motivators.

But first, there are some scores to settle.

I wash up and retrieve my notebook. “Give me the names of the people who’d harmed you.”


“On Salem Street. I want names.”

“Are you going to kill them too?”

“Do you want me to?”


“Deal. Now I need names.”

“Um, there’s Lady Violet. She beats girls when they don’t comply. Frank runs a club. Sammy drugs girls and sells them to clients. Agatha lies to girls about what’s expected of them. Ellen sells them…young…”

For the better part of an hour, I take notes, asking details like hair and eye color. I have a lot of work ahead of me, but thankfully, I have more than enough time.

She falls asleep as I’m planning, which is good because I don’t need her distracting me. The work I do is flawless, because I care a lot about the details.

Before she wakes, I radio the Keep to tell them I have a woman that needs to be picked up. Caspian says they are a little busy and it might take a few days before they can pick her up.

Being alone with Fiona for several days on end has me anxious. I try to busy myself, but the more time that passes, the more I’m drawn to her.

Watching her sleep is messing with my head, so I put on my gear, grab my sword, and head out to take down a bunch of ragers. Which is highly therapeutic.

Bringing her in doesn’t mean anything. It’s not like I’m claiming her. She can be some other man’s Kept woman, because that life isn’t meant for me.

I’m a hunter in search of prey. I’ll never have a happily ever after, and this girl doesn’t change that.

And if she knows what’s good for her, she’ll stay the hell away.
