Page 44 of Wolf's Witch

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I was going to learn to fly.



Iarrived atthe farm with a couple dozen donuts in hand. Wes and Wyatt were already up, milling around the kitchen. They lived on the other end of the ranch house from me. While I managed the money and staff, they were more hands-on with the operations. It was hard work, and our entire pack respected all their efforts. Without them, we wouldn’t have this house or the property to run during the full moons.

Wes eyed the donuts before looking up at me. “I wondered where you were. You must’ve been up early.”

I put the boxes on the counter. “Any sign of Mathias yet?”

Wyatt was on a stool at the bar and looked up from his phone. “He hasn’t come down yet this morning.”

So I may have dodged a bullet. If they hadn’t noticed my absence, Mathias was the only other pack member that lived in the house full-time and his room was upstairs. It appeared no one realized I’d never came back last night.

Wes stuffed his phone into his pocket and picked out two donuts. “I was up all night in an online poker tournament so I’m going to go take a nap for a couple hours. Wake me up if the ground thaws enough to plant the strawberries.”

Fuck. Wes had been up all night. But he was also a semiprofessional card player. He was probably too engrossed in his game to notice I never came back inside. He lived on the opposite side of the house anyway. My secret was probably still safe.

As he walked past me, he patted my shoulder with his free hand. “Glad you’re okay. I thought about sounding the alarm when you didn’t get back, but then I figured you were just out getting laid.”

Aw shit. It had been so much more than just getting laid. I had claimed my mate and pledged to lay down my life to protect hers. I forced a smile and chuckled. “Time got away from me, that’s all.”

He looked at me over his shoulder and smirked. “Your heart’s racing. You better practice that lie a few more times before you tell Mathias.” He kept walking through the living room. “Now I’m wondering where youreallywere.”

He disappeared down the other hallway leading to the east wing before I could reply. I grabbed a donut and looked over at Wyatt. “I should go check on Mathias.”

Wyatt raised a brow. “Okay, now you’re making me curious. Where were you?”

I sighed, shaking my head. “I can’t talk about it yet.” Without waiting for a response, I headed for the stairs. “I’ve gotta look in on Mathias.”

It was going to be harder than I thought to hide the fact that I’d found my mate. I wished hiding it wasn’t necessary, but as soon as they learned my mate was a witch, things would get dicey.

I took the stairs two at a time, and by the time I reached for our Alpha’s door, I had finished my donut. I knocked. “Mathias?”

“Come in.”

I stepped into his room as he paced slowly in front of the window. I frowned. “What’s wrong?”

He stopped and met my eyes. “I have a lot to share with you before the ceremony. I’m worried I’ll forget something important.”

“It’s not like you’re going to leave town. You’ll still be a member of this pack.” I came in and sat on the end of his bed. “I can always ask you if I need some insight or clarification.”

“It’s not that.” He shook his head. “Once you become Alpha, you’ll be the hub for this pack. And in order to be effective, Alphas are given a…gift, to help.”

My brows pinched together. “A gift? Like a blender?” I teased.

He didn’t crack a smile. “No. A psychic gift. It varies from Alpha to Alpha. I’ve heard stories of Alphas who can find the physical location of every pack member, and others who sense emotions, see flashes of danger through the pack wolves’ eyes. It could be anything.”

This was the first I was hearing about it. “You’re psychic?”

“Not in the way you’re thinking.” He looked out the window again. “I’ve always been able to tell a friend from an enemy as soon as I meet them.”

I blinked. “Really?”

“My instinct has never been wrong.” He looked back at me. “I think that’s why we’ve never seen these hunters and they haven’t risked trying to infiltrate the pack. Someone must’ve told them I’d know.”

“Do you think that’s what my ability will be, too?”
