Page 47 of Wolf's Witch

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I couldn’t tell if he was joking or not. “No. I’m just curious if any packs have tried it.”

Without being able to see him, I couldn’t tell if he was buying it. Finally, he replied, “Not that I know of. But the packs in Reno and Sedona have converted psychics.”

“Did they lose their abilities?”

“No, but being psychic isn’t the same as wielding magic.” He lowered his voice. “We only convert women who are mates. The Sedona Pack nearly imploded when the Alpha started ordering the pack to bite human women. Whatever you’re thinking about, I’d advise against it.”

I shook my head and got up to pace the bedroom. “I just want to know the options in case it comes to that.”

“With the hunters?” Sloan’s voice took on a daker tone. “I’m in Boston at Rayne’s place right now. We can be there in less than an hour.”

“No.” I probably answered too fast. “I just needed to know if a witch would lose her powers if she was bitten.”

“Sorry, I don’t have an answer. One of the Sedona Pack wolves found out his mate was an Elemental Witch, but he hasn’t made her a werewolf because we don’t know what it would do to her powers.”

“But she was his actual mate? A witch?” I tried to keep my voice level. “I thought it was forbidden for wolves and witches to…mingle.”

Sloan chuckled. “You must’ve heard about Victor Hall, your pack’s previous Alpha.”

“Exactly.” That’s all it was, not that I’d just had the hottest night of my life with my mate who was about to become the high priestess of the Coven of Light. “He was banished for having children with a witch, right?”

“Mathias can give you more details, but from what I understand, the real issue was twofold: Victor had children with a woman who wasn’t his mateora shifter without biting her, and when the cubs were born, they were shifters that could also tap into witch magic.” He paused and lowered his voice a notch. “It was a strike against the pack that he had children with a woman who wasn’t his mate, and a strike against the coven to have males wielding their witch magic.” He paused. “But like I said, Hope’s an Elemental Witch and Jett’s wolf recognized her as his mate. So, judging by that, Fate obviously hasn’t made the union forbidden. Maybe your pack decided it was a good rule after what happened with Victor.”

I had a lot to think about. I rubbed my forehead. “Thanks, Sloan.”

“We’ll be in Boston for a couple more weeks before we head back to Sedona for the full moon. Call me if you need backup.”

“Will do. Thanks.” I ended the call and went to the window.

Mathias was outside talking to a trucker hauling in a load of fertilizer. Hadhemade the rule forbidding wolves and witches from being together? And how would he feel when I broke it?

I made a quick call to Jackson to ask him to look into the Hinterland and Bloodstone firm. He didn’t answer, so I left a voicemail. As I put my phone into my pocket, it buzzed with a text from Kiefer.

See you at four.

I clenched my jaw and slipped my phone back into my pocket. Right now, I needed to focus on keeping our pack together through this transition. Once I was the Alpha, I could worry about my mate being a witch and how to present it to Mathias and the rest of the pack.

One problem at a time.



Itried theincantation again.

“Is mise an ghaoth… Is mise an speir… Anois eitilt me.”

My skin tingled with power, but my feet didn’t leave the ground. I groaned. “Maybe my pronunciation is off.”

Irish Gaelic wasn’t my native tongue, but I was usually a pretty quick study when it came to spell work.

Apparently not today.

“You’re pronouncing everything right.” Lillian shook her head, turned her palms up and softly uttered the same words I just did, but then she rose from the pavement as if gravity no longer applied to her.

I shielded my eyes from the afternoon sun as I looked up at her. “You make it look easy.”

“And you’re making it more difficult on yourself.” She came back down, her feet landing gently on the ground.
