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He nods nervously, saying nothing. And watches as I leave. He wipes sweat again when I’m gone. I see him in the reflection of the rear window, he’s wiping his hands on his shorts. Everyone is nervous.

I wonder how Luca is in the front. I hate that he’s suddenly become cold with me. It’s like he’s trying to scare me. But he mustn’t feel comfortable about the boat either. He said something when we got on board, and the captain didn’t reply fully to his satisfaction. Even though he tried to convince me otherwise.

I move to the back of the boat, near the fish crates and crab pots. The boy moves to keep me in his sights, but never gets out of his seat. A motion light comes on, and I can see the end of the boat. Blood covers the floor and I can see some cuttings of fish. The butchering area.

An image flashes through my mind of Luca and I here, killed, just as if we were fish. Dumped just the same too. I shudder and the warm air is cold. The boy sweating most likely from the humidity, is guilty of more than he lets on.

Suddenly the door opens and Luca comes through. He looks around the room, sees the boy and doesn't acknowledge him, and comes out to me. “What’re you doing out here?” he demands.

“I couldn’t be in there any longer,” I say, gesturing my head at the little cabin.

The boy disappears into the front room with the captain. The door flapping loosely.

“We’re getting there,” Luca says. “Slowly. But getting there.” He pauses, looking out into the darkness, he watches the small fish around the boat, following the light. “I was thinking of dropping you off early. There’s a pick up point outside the keys. You can make your way from the bar there to the real Key West and get your way home.”

I want to ask about the helicopter. I want to ask aboutus…

But we don’t need to say anymore.

“Thank you,” I say.

But Luca shakes his head. He folds his arms and looks back at the cabin. “I don’t necessarily trust them, but he has answered all of my questions,” he says. “They’re our men.”

I nod, knowing better than to question him. Luca has become more cold and distant the longer we’ve been on the boat. The longer the afternoon has stretched on. I nod again, unable to find anything to say. I head back into the cabin.

“Where’re you going?” he asks.

“Into the cabin,” I say. “It’s cold out here.”

We both know the chill is really between us, though.

Luca grunts and remains leaning against the rail of the boat watching me. I slump into the chair and the boy and the captain are talking. The engine increases in noise, the strain getting too much on the engine. The whole boat looks old. I’m almost in awe that they made it this far down the Key. They’re talking though. Whispering.

I can’t help but lean towards the flapping door. The boy is sweating even more now, wiping his face constantly. His words are urgent. The engine whines. It slips and misfires and there's a quiet. I hear words that only I can hear.

“There was only supposed to be one of them …”

My eyes go wide and I look at the front room. The captain and boy are close. The captain is leaning on his wheel, slumped against it like it’s holding him up. I don’t hear the next words, but the captain spots me watching in the front glass. He turns and smiles politely and grabs the door. “The lock on this has been broken for a long time,” he says. Then slams the door.

I smile at him through the glass door. Then I swivel and count to thirty very slowly. Forcing myself to breathe deeply and count even slower. Inside, I’m panicking like crazy.

There was only supposed to be one of them…

One of who?

Which one?

I get up calmly and walk towards Luca. He is sitting with his arm propped against his belly, chin in his fist.

“Luca,” I whisper, leaning against him.

He flinches and goes to push me away.

“Stop,” I hiss. I lean against him again. He looks at the cabin. “I just heard them talking.”

“And you want that as a motive to get back into my heart?” Contempt is in his voice.

“No,” I breathe. “I heard them talking over the engine whine.”
