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“I don’t exactly hate you Sophie,” he says, with a small sigh following it. “We’re just a little complicated at the moment.”

I smile broadly at him and snuggle back against his chest. His heart is beating stronger now. A bit quicker too.

It feels like the perfect moment to tell him the truth. To tell him about the baby, about my feelings for him, about the fact that the last two weeks have been the longest of my life. But I’m also more tired than I could ever have imagined. It’s the baby. It’s almost drowning. It’s the stress fleeing from me and allowing me to relax for the first time since I was last in Luca’s arms.

I turn again to him, he’s continued talking and I’ve heard none of it. I lean up to him, a little closer, I want to tell him. I want to kiss him. I want to taste him again.

But it’s that exact moment that the tiredness hits, and I fall deeply asleep …

I wake up with a jolt, very aware of the drool around my mouth. “How long have I been asleep?”

Luca is still there and he is smiling. The drool patch on his chest is also still wet… He smiles though. “You’ve been asleep for a couple hours,” he says.

“A couple hours?” I’m shocked and even more embarrassed. “You let me drool on you for two hours?”

Luca laughs. “No.” But his grin doesn’t leave. “You only just started drooling.”

I look at him sideways and cross my arms, I try to be angry but a grin comes immediately .

“You’re very cute when you sleep,” he says. “I mean you’re very cute anyway, so maybe it’s not a big difference.”

This time I do look away, grinning like a fool. But also because I don’t want him to know how happy I am to hear it.

“Don't we hate each other?” I ask again. I remember saying it before. Before, when I almost drowned. “And what happened by the pool?” I demand.

“You’ll have to fill me in on most of that,” he says. “I only came in at the end, when you decided to roll into the pool in your sleep and drown.”

“Crazy,” I say. I close my eyes and try to remember. Luca takes my hand and I let him . “I was getting fresh air. I was reading. I was escaping that hideous decor of your fathers,” I say, opening my eyes and looking at him. “But I just remember being so tired. Like really really tired.”Now is a great time to tell him too,my brain says. “Then I was asleep. Like a deep sleep Because I don’t remember anything other than just spluttering, and your hands pulling me upwards and out of the water. You saved me.”

“You needed saving,” Luca says. But his smile is gone now. Now he just looks at me with concern.

Our baby needed saving too, I think.

I should tell him, yet , this is the most civil conversation we’ve had since we decided to go jet skiing. For the last month I’ve pined for just a conversation like this. For us to bond again like the first few hours we shared. Would I risk losing that, ruining that, by telling him I’m pregnant with his child? But that’s me thinking that being pregnant with his child is a bad thing? He might love it? He might hug and kiss me and be ever overjoyed?

Might …

But it’s Luca who takes the decision from me. He takes my other hand now. “It’s been a long two weeks, Sophie,” he says. “I’ve had a lot of time to think, as I’m sure you have too. And, well, the reason we’re not exactly hating each other, and the reason we’re complicated is because, well—how do I say it? You and I—”

Something takes over me and plunges me forward. I kiss him,hard. I kiss him like I’ve never kissed him before.

Initially he does nothing and it’s like kissing one of those damn singing fish that men put on the walls of their “man caves.” Then he realizes what I’ve done and returns it. The passion. The force. All of it. Then pulls away.

“Sophie,” he says.

But I shake my head. “I feel fine. I feel better than I’ve felt in the last two weeks.” I lean and kiss him again. He kisses back. Then everything changes.

Soon I’m on top of him and our hands are searching as quick as they can, as if grabbing a random butt cheek or cupping a side boob will make up for these last weeks apart.

Luca rolls me over so that he’s on top and pulls the straps off of my swimsuit, he rolls them off my shoulder and I fold my arm through. He peels it slowly down my body and his eyes widen the more he reveals. He unveils my tanned body. He unveils my pregnant—unbeknownst to him—belly. Then he delicately frees it from between my legs, and unveils my vagina.

He sighs.

I see his bulge move and grab for it. I pull the pointless speedos down and take his hardening erection in my hands.

But he slows us down, lying back with me and pressing against me. Our flesh imprints back against each other, our warmth shares with one another. His body is hot, even after being in this cool pool house for so long. He rolls me to the side and we cradle one another, just feeling each other and looking into our eyes. It’s so intense. It’s so passionate. I think I’m in—

He kisses me ever so lightly.
