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I was already close again…

He sits up, kissing the valley between my breasts as waves of pleasure begin to crash into me with a slamming intensity. He pulls our bodies even closer, his tight hard muscles flexing. I dig my fingernails into his back, and the room fills with our pleasure-filled groans.

I’m hanging on for dear life, my eyes shut, my knees tight against his hips. He’s pounding and plunging into me, lifting us both up from the bed. Again and again and again. It’s heated. It’s lustful…

It’s everything you’d think it’d be in an affair…

But there’s something else.

Something beneath the surface…

I can see it in his eyes every time he kisses me. It’s more than just lust. But I know neither of us are going to admit it. Neither of us even want the headache it can cause…

Right now, it's obvious, we're content in this.

In moments just like…this….

I breathe heavily and I drop my head to his chest, nuzzling in his muscular pecs. Our pelvises roll together with everything we have. Our panting breaths and clumsy jerks indicate that we’re both feeling the same thing…

The ascent to pure, and blissful climax.

He slams into me and I wrap my arms tightly around his back, our sweaty chests molding together. The headboard slams into the wall. The thumping and smacking of it intensifies as we near the point of no return.

“Yes!” I cry, biting his shoulder, and that encouragement seems to be all he needs to fuel him. He flips us again and mounts me, pinning me down, flush against the mattress. I gasp and move my hands to the back of his neck, my eyes searching for his as I tighten my grip on him.

My legs instinctively widen, urging him even deeper…

He backs out and drives in all over again. Full force. Sloppily. But oh - so - perfectly.

I squeal in delight when his fingers grip and tug on my hips forcefully, pulling me to him. There’s a mix between pleasure and pain as his hips pound me relentlessly. Our hungry lips find one another again, pleasure consuming us both.

“Yes!” I breathe heavily, parting from his lips for just a moment.

" Mom…we're home!” Guilia calls, her voice startling me, as a slam of the front door sounds out.

“Shit…shit!” I panic, as I basically jump out of my body and shove my fists into his sweaty chest. But I didn’t have to shove hard.

If he was any taller, he might have hit the ceiling when he finally realized what was happening. Hurriedly, I hop off the bed and gather his clothes, crumbling it all into a ball before pressing the pile firmly into his chest.

“Don’t make a sound…” I warn, angrily.

“Who the hell is that?!” He asks, his eyes wide with worry.

It’s all over his face.

I can’t help but laugh.

“My daughter,” I giggle, putting my finger to my lips. “Shhh..”

His hands dig through his hair, panic rises to the surface.

“She can’t hear you…” I warn.

He falls to the floor like he’d just been shot and the army crawls under the bed.

If it wasn’t for the mild growl I heard underneath me as I sat up to put on my clothes, I wouldn’t have even known he was there.

“Mom?” Guilia’s voice was getting closer. “Where are you?”
