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You can’t trust anybody.

Not in this business.

If they screw you over once, they’ll screw you over again.

Anger starts boiling over. How dare the Colombos think they can torture my loan shark into giving up information on my establishment? Did they really think they were up to par? Did they really think I wouldn’t kill them all and watch as their whole house burns?

I laugh, and Luigi looks at me with concern.

“What we doin’, Boss?” He asks.

I smile.

“Nothing,” I reply. “Not yet.”

“Boss, they’re going to come here starting trouble… Shouldn’t we send a message?”

I shake my head. “Let’s see what they’re made of.”

I’m now eating my words.

A spray of bullets flew down at us from up above. The assholes have the high ground. Tony sweeps me in his muscular arms and dashes underneath the stairs with me in tow. He smells of blood and sweat. A searing pain blasts from my side and I feel faint again. His chest is heaving up and down with intensity. “Fuck…” he growls.

I’m mad at myself for getting shot.

I can usually be a little more help than this.

I got a little too ballsy and fell prey to a trap as soon they came rushing in. I grabbed my gun and thought for sure I’d scare them off.

Why did I think that?

They were everywhere.

Mingling in with the patrons. As low profile as they could get before they started blasting.

The best I can figure, they had an organized leader. I didn’t know who he was or how high up, but I could tell he was the one that called the shots. I asked him if he had a death wish as soon as he stood up on my bar.

His smile would haunt me forever. It was wide. Toothy. His eyes, dark and eerie. “Doyou?” He asked, amusedly.

I let my ego get the best of me.

“Come and get me, fucker!” I’d said. Stupidly.

He had jumped down and hit me square in the face. It stung.

But what stung even more was that when we first fought, he laughed. And even worse than that? He played and teased me. He pushed me through the doors leading to the kitchen and then pushed me down the stairs to the basement storage. Only to shoot me square in the side.

He played dirty.

And his intent was clear. He was after nothing more than to show me up.

But that was his mistake…just as much as it was mine…

“Aria!” Tony’s voice was anguished and demanding. “Cover me!”

I look at my newest bodyguard and nod. I feel myself faltering, but I need to suck it up. I need to get my shit together. He has an automatic strapped to his shoulder, gripped in one hand, and a pistol in his other. He pushes away from the wall and spews gunfire as he bounces up the stairs.

I push myself off the wall slightly. Just enough to get a visual.
