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Aria was like two different people…

“I like him…” I hear Emma giggle as her and Guilia sit on the other side of the living room, staring at us.

I’ll admit, I don’t have a lot of experience with kids…

Other than the fact that I used to be one…

But from what I can tell, they’re all pretty smart. They all seem to have an intuition about them…

Like they all have sparks and personalities… that don’t seem like they can be extinguished easily. But they can clearly tell that there’s something going on here.

Between me and her…

I’m willing to bet they know better than she does that what I’m feeling isn’t just friendly.

It’s at that moment, as I’m watching Tomasso leave the living room with his skateboard tucked underneath his arm that I realize something.

I can’t kill Aria Morino-Lorenzo.

I won’t.

Somehow and someway… somewhere along the line….I have fallen for her.

A click at the door sounds out. “Dude, I didn’t know you were coming home this week!” Mattia announces and my head turns to the direction of the door. “Mom has a boyfriend…”

“Boyfriend?” A deep voice booms, almost bitterly.

Aria stands, her body stiff all of a sudden. I stand and crane my neck toward the door. It takes just a moment before a tall and muscular man walks hesitantly around the corner, into the living room.

“We have pizza!” Emma announces, excitedly as she pops off the couch and hugs the man.

He has stubble. Dark hair. Darker than the rest. And his eyes are even more intense than the rest. His jaw clenches angrily as his eyes narrow in on me. He looks like he’s marked me. Like I’m a target. Like..I’ve done something.

“Boyfriend?” He asks, only shifting his eyes for a moment.

“I wouldn’t say boyfriend…” Aria laughs it off. “We’re just…”

“Having sex…” Guilia corrects.

Tomasso and Mattia cackle and head into the kitchen. “But he’s here for dinner?” He asks, snobbishly.

“Yeah?” Emma jabs. “Who cares? Go get some pizza and shut up.”

I’m having a hard time deciphering who it is that I’m looking at.

His expression is nothing less than a taunting warning.

“I’ve already eaten,” he says, his voice cracking a bit. Aria walks over to him and slings her arm around him.

“This is my oldest son, Alessandro.”

I nod and take a step toward him, my hand extended. I really hadn’t expected a whole family reunion when I’d come over…It was almost… too much….

Alessandro didn’t shift his gaze again. His eyes were fixated on me. Unwaveringly so. His stance was square. Direct. And his focus was unmatched.

“Dude, give it a rest…” Mattia whispered, coming back out of the kitchen. “He’s a nice guy…”

I wouldn’t go that far.
