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The coolness of his attitude irritates me, and after fucking everything up with Mimi, I feel like rechanneling my frustration somewhere else. It’s a dick move. “I’m not asking for a thank you or anything, but you don’t even seem excited to be working together? You asked me last week for work; I’ve found you work, and now you’re just…nothing.”

Carlos turns and nods his head in apology. “Sorry man. I think it’s just that New York made me a bit pessimistic. Plenty of people promise the world up there and never deliver. I think I’ve built this tolerance for only believing what’s in front of me.”

“You’re not in New York anymore, man,” I say. “You can believe it.”

“Thank you; you’re right, Doctor Phil. We’re a happy family again.”

I laugh and grab a pillow, smacking him in the head. “Asshat.”

He laughs and rolls away. Grabs the remote off of the coffee table and turns on the games console. “You wanna play?”

“Yeah, load me up,” I reach out and grab a controller too. The NBA game I’ve got begins. I twiddle my thumbs as my phone goes off. I reach into my pocket to see who it is; there is a slim chance that it’s Mimi now that I’ve jammed my foot in my mouth.

“Aww, man, just reply to that girl you got on the hook,” Carlos jokes.

“What?” I go white. What have I said or given away? "What do you mean?”

Carlos smirks and shakes his head. “Man, I borrowed your car after the party. It smelt like someone’s perfume, and it most certainly wasn’t yours.”

The image of Mimi and I in the pantry washes through my mind. Her hands searching up under my jacket and holding herself against me as we had sex…

“She’s obviously chasing you,” he laughs. “You’re just cruel.”

I show him my phone and smirk. “It’s Luca. He’s calling in five. We must be on.”

“Then we got five to get yo ass whooped!” Carlos says holding up his controller

I roll my eyes, but we begin a game anyway.

I force the imagery of Mimi from my mind. I try to mentally block the sound of her breathing and moaning. This is how it’s been all week. Daydreaming like a kid while I work. I’ve been getting erections non stop like I’m a teen again. My body has gone haywire. But my head is all messed up too. I’m still worried about Carlos finding out or us getting permission… I don’t understand my own rambling thoughts. But since I’m sitting right next to him, it feels dangerous to even think about it.

I just don’t want to screw us up. I don’t want to screw Mimi and I up, but I fear that I already have.

My damn stupid mouth.

My phone starts buzzing, and I gladly throw my controller down, having just scored a three-pointer to put me over Carlos.

“We’ll continue after you hang up,” he says, indicating my controller. “Unfinishedbusiness.”

I take the call outside.

“Seb,” Luca says. “You’re on. Van is being delivered at ten, so be ready. Everything is covered and sorted out. Just make sure it gets there. As for your friend, Carlos, everything is approved. If this goes well, then he can look forward to more work. All good?”

“Great!” I say. The sun’s gone, and I’m standing on my little dried patch of lawn. Grasshoppers are everywhere, and a few of them are even hopping their way towards the coolness of my house.

“Good. Now you’ll be handing over to the Kumarin’s with a convoy of two other cars of the Colombino’s. They’ve been the ones having the discussions with them, but as we’re the ones that operate down here, you represent us. If this goes well, I will be having a meeting with Sergeiv soon.”

“Not a problem. I’ve got all my maps and details sorted on this end.”

“Just make sure you’re there on time,” Luca warns. “The biggest thing Leandro has emphasized is that the Kumarin’s do not tolerate lateness. Punctuality is everything for them. We land this, and we get a nice injection into our income stream.”

“Consider it handled then.” I say, trying to give him my most reassuring tone.

“Good. Enjoy your evening then.” He hangs up, and I’m standing there listening to the chirps of the grasshoppers.

I head back in and pick up my controller; Carlos and I resume playing the game and talking trash. After we finish the game, where he managed to come back and win, he finally asks what’s up.

“So what’s the deal then, man?”
