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I burst out laughing and take the off ramp to go to Hialeah. The rain holds off for a bit, and the sun comes out. The heat is immediate, and I can just picture how many grasshoppers are going to be hopping around at the apartment block.

“But you work with Colombino's now, then?”

I nod. “It’s pretty good. Luca’s a good guy. Sophie’s a lucky girl.”

“And my sister is the one getting all the spoils?” Carlos laughs. “I bet she loves having herself a princess friend.”

I shrug. “She’s not too bad. She’s pretty good, actually, compared to some of the guys working for Luca. Always pinching pennies for shit. She still always insists on paying her way.”

“Always did,” Carlos says, a note of frustration in his voice. He stares off ahead. “Is she still stubborn as shit?”

I rock my head from side to side. “I couldn’t be sure. I look after Sophie only on certain trips now, and even then, I’ve transitioned to a lot more stuff for Luca.”

“So you’re Mister Colombino’smanthen?” Carlos laughs. “Shit, we’ll get you made soon.”

“I don’t think that’s in the cards. But he’s a nice enough guy. If he trusts you, hetrustsyou.”

Carlos nods. “That’s wise. Too much backstabbing up north. Everyone’s greedy and constantly mixing deals and associates. No loyalty.” Carlos pauses. “Ah well, it is what it is.”

“But you’re back here now. For a while?” Carlos nods at me and says nothing. “Got a place to stay?” He shakes his head. “Oh, you’re bunking up with me then. Don’t worry, I got separate bedrooms.” I wink, and Carlos laughs.

“Glad to hear it. The last time I remember sleeping in your bed, we were kids, and you farted the whole night. It was like a tractor engine coming outta yo’ ass.”

I almost miss the exit because of laughing. I come off the highway and we head for the main road that’ll shoot us straight through to Hialeah East. “Ah well, what’s brotherly love for?”

“I thought you were shitting yourself man! Wanted to get my rain boots on. What kinda sleep over is that?”

We’re gone now. Giggling as if we were kids again in the car. We pull up at a light, and the cops next to us watch the car for a while. Probably expecting us to be high as kites. But the light changes, and we head straight while they turn.

“It’s good being here though. Nothing like family.” He licks his lips and looks at the sun for a while. Then he comes back, looking at me while I stare at the car in front. “You seem a little glum.”

I shrug. “Oh, you know, lady troubles.”

“Oh yeah? Had to explain the cobwebs on your dick to the last lady?”

I snort. “I wasn’t asking about yoursituation. No, I just broke up with a girl. We’d been steady for a couple years. She was outside the family though. Not a problem, but she found organized crime a little too much. Eventually, itwastoo much. And the fact that she was a complete nutter.”

Carlos laughs. “Yeah it’s difficult for people. I think that’s what it was with me and Leah. She was a New Yorker, born and raised. I was a Flow-Rider, know what I mean?”

I nod, we cross the train tracks, and I turn off for my apartment block.

“But thanks for taking care of Mimi while I've been gone. I know she’s a handful,” he says. “I know my getting out wasn’t exactly good to her and mom.”

“Don’t beat yourself up.” I take bud off the main road to a side road that’ll shoot me out on an easy right turn for the apartment. “She’s a strong chick. Take care of herself.”

“Oh, I know that,” Carlos says, sitting up in the seat. “I just meant that I’m sure you probably pulled her outta some bad situations. I know she sleeps around a bit. I ain’t blind. Just wish she’d settle down.”

I shake my head and laugh. “She’s still the girl who eats glue with me.”

“Well, from what I hear, she ain’t just eating glue now.”

“I’ll be seeing her this afternoon.” I laugh and take us around a corner, rolling my eyes as we go. “I’ll be sure to pass on your comments.”

Carlos shakes his head. “Pfft. It’s none of that. Sometimes mom calls me all crying and shit. Saying she got dumped by some other guy or hooked up with some other guy. Seemed like she was steady with a Rocko guy for a while?”

I shake my head and slow the car. I pull up in front of my apartment block and take us inside. Carlos whistles as I bring us to a tin roof and steel bar parking garage. He slips on his shoes while I reverse into the rusted, chipped, paint flecked, and muddied up garage. “She wasn’t steady with him. Just hooking up. I think he liked her more than she liked him, you know. But I dunno. I think she was just biding her time.”

“For what?” Carlos asks as we get out.
