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I smile at myself in the slicked window and turn to recuperate the gesture, only to find Mimi continuing on.


I click my tongue and hop into the van.

We chat a little bit as we crawl along, but I’m too preoccupied with watching the car to really invest. We’re both tired too. We spent the night fucking away over a week’s build up of sexual tension instead of sleeping. Mimi is scrolling and texting while I keep an eye on the gauges. Slowly the miles, along with the day, tick by and soon we find ourselves on the outskirts of the city. We’ve pulled over less times than I thought to refill and have made better progress than expected. But the sun is readying to set by the time we get to the garage.

I pull up at the low, squat cement block building. It looks closed. But as soon as I stop an old guy in blue overalls comes out sucking his teeth. He heads straight for the radiator. “Shit you hit something good,” he jokes. He’s got a little cap pulled backwards. His hands are smooth from using them in hard labor his whole life.

“A guard rail,” I say, indicating the angle of the cut.

He clicks his tongue. “Luca said some asshole pulled out in front of you?”

I nod. “Yup. It was storming down and they just drove out blind.”

He shakes his head. “Some people shouldn’t have licenses.”

We grin and I hold out my hand. “Sebastian.”

He grips it back and crushes my grip. He’s at least seventy and his hand is as strong as a vice. “Reggie.”

Mimi gets out and waves. “Hello,” she says. “I’m Mimi.”

“Hello Mimi. I’m Reggie,” he replies warmly. The hand he offers her is delicate and graceful.

I grunt and roll my eyes with a slight smirk.

“So I’ve got the fine job of fixing this,” he points at the front.

“Yes, please,” Mimi says.

He grins. “Of course.” He turns to me. “It’s an ASAP kinda job I’ve been told.”

“As quick as you can really,” I say. “I can pay you whatever you need.”

He waves his hand away. “Luca has sorted it all out. Don’t worry, I’ll overcharge and underwork.” He winks and elbows me cheekily in the ribs. “But by the looks of it, it’ll be a straight swap in and out. Luca gave me the VIN number while you were plotting along. I’ve already got my boy fetching a new one for you.” He squints and taps the car with his foot. “Maybe a touch of remodeling on the chassis too. But it’ll be good by morning.”

“Honestly, you do what you’ve gotta do. We’re already indebted to you.” I offer my hand to shake again and he takes it.

He nods and smiles. “Good. Well, you can start bringing it in. I’ve got a few bits and pieces of paperwork you’ll need to fill out on behalf of Luca, but once that’s sorted, you’re all good.” He turns to Mimi. “Just down the road is a great motel. My Maureen owns it.” He takes a set of glasses out and begins polishing them, but he’s still talking to her warmly. “I don’t mean it in a bad way, I’m sure you can handle yourself very well. But car work is very boring, and Maureen will put you up in a nice room with a hot shower. Leave the mule with his bags.” He pats me on the back.

Mimi beams. “A hot shower sounds delightful.”

“Good!” he says. “Well, young buck, back ‘er up!” He heads off to his garage and rolls up the door as a kid on a motorbike arrives. He’s got a radiator strapped to the side, in place on a surfboard frame. He looks at least twenty. “You went on that?” Reggie shakes his head. “Jeez boy, you must have as many IQ points as you got teeth.”

The kid grins… he doesn’t have many.

Reggie turns, grumbling about soda and rotting brains.

I take the bag of money and cards out of the van and give them to Mimi. “I’ll be up as quick as I can.” She nods. “But you enjoy yourself. Take some time to chill. Alright?”

“Don’t be long,” she says, then leans in. “For both of our sakes.”

“I’ll try not to be.” I give her a kiss on the lips.

We share a secret smile, and she turns and heads off up the road. The rain has stopped, and all I can do is watch her swagger her butt back and forth as she goes.

I don’t know what game we’re playing, but it feels like it’s becoming more and more dangerous. We’ve stumbled into this trap that feels soright.
