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“Not a heart attack?” I ask.

She shakes her head. “No, I just—I guess I just did what came to me. I started convulsing, and Mimi, oh, Mimi, was perfect. She thought I was actually having one from all the stress, and I had to wink at her to tell her, you know. Then, once she realized, she figured out the perfect way to trick them, but—” She pauses again and looks at me with pure anger. “They’re vile men.”


“They were going to let me die. Mimi said that I could choke on my tongue, so they put me on my back to do so.”

I feel sick at the move. It serves as an example of the bratvas' brutality. Which makes me all the more afraid for Mimi.

I get up and go around to the back of Isabella’s chair and begin wheeling her out.

“What are you doing? Where are we going?”

“We need help,” I say. “And I’m getting you out of here. If they’re still watching, or if they return to make sure you're dead…” I don’t finish, and Isabella only gasps.

We leave the safety of the house, and I load Isabella in the car.

I’m calling Luca by the time I’m at the end of the street. When he doesn’t pick up, I try for Sophie and make for the highway. In less than twenty minutes, I’m barely slowing down for the gate to the mansion and screeching to a stop in the driveway. I’m out of the car and loading Isabella into her seat. I push her into the house through the side entrance and park her in the kitchen.

“I’ll be back,” I tell her. She nods and just watches the family through the glass doors with curiosity.

I burst out onto the patio, and everyone jumps. Luca moves instinctively between me and Sophie, and Michael. He’s at the pool’s edge while they’re still at the pool edge. “What are you—”

“Mimi is gone!” I scream. Anger has boiled up in my chest, and I can’t help but blame Luca for it.

Luca and Sophie’s eyes bulge, and Michael begins crying. Sophie picks Michael up to comfort him, and the energy changes immediately. Luca wades to the edge of the pool and gets out. “What happened?”

“I just found the house destroyed and Mimi’s mother tied up and on her back. She had to pretend to have a seizure to escape.” I point at the house with a shaking hand. “I’ve brought her here but I dunno, she might need help…”

Sophie’s eyes explode even further out, and she wraps Michael in a towel and heads inside to see Isabella. Luca comes around to me. “Okay, slow down, Sebastian—”

“She’s fucking gone!” I scream again. I’m losing it.

“Calm, my friend. You need to calm—”

“I can’t. She’s been kidnapped.”

“Screaming isn’t helping anything along.”

“Not that you tried!” I’m being childish. I’m freaking out.

Luca looks me in the eye. “Sebastian, calm down, or you'll say something you regret. What has happened?Exactly.” He emphasizes the last word heavily.

“I got home, and the door was wide open. There was broken glass in the hallway. They’d tied up Isabella and threatened Mimi with having her go with them. It’s all about Carlos.” My head hangs. “She tried to pay them off with her life savings too.”

Luca’s face has darkened, especially at the mention of Carlos. “Anything else?”

“What else does there need to be?” I’m pacing back and forth now. I can’t breathe. Luca tries to slow me down. “Don’t fuck’n touch me. You kicked me out of this family, remember?”

Luca keeps his hand raised, though. “But I did not stop being a friend.”

“Fuck off with that shit.”

“I will only remind you once again to watch how you speak to me, Sebastian. I did offer to help Mimi.”

“And she was never gonna go for it. You knew that. Her brother had just fucked you over, why would she stay under your roof?”

“You’re offending me now, Sebastian. None of this is getting Mimi found.” Luca’s eyes are on fire, and I don’t care. I’ll fight anyone at this moment.
