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Carlos’ eyes and eyebrows do a dance of utter confusion and surprise. “When did this happen?”

“It doesn’t matter when this happened. Just get the damn phone and sheers.”

The men are still joking and talking. Carlos looks at them quickly and licks his lips like a lizard. He inches towards the desk, putting light weight on his injured foot. He reaches up for the phone and manages to grab it.

The men pause.

Something is happening outside.

They talk quietly in Russian, and another name is mentioned. Probably the other people who’ve been trailing Sebastian and Luca.

They resume talking, and Carlos immediately takes the opportunity to fire off a quick text.

The bounced-baby man looks back to check on us and then looks back outside.

But he’s noticed something.

“Carlos the phone…” I utter.

But it’s too late. The man turns back, yelling some unintelligible sound, and comes in. I pitch myself forward, knocking into him as he comes and pushing him off balance. We pitch to the side, and Carlos is on us before the man can react.

The other two men come to the door, but that’s when I see the headlights in the distance.

Sebastian is already here!

Ilya and the other man turn around again, swearing and pulling guns. They head for the car lights, but then there’s an extremely loud bang of rending metal and glass breaking. But I can’t focus on it because the big man rolls on top of me.

His back crushes down on me, and I arch inward in hopes that it’ll somehow protect the baby. I’m still attached to the seat, and my arms are being crushed. I scream and suddenly Carlos and the man are scrambling off of me and rolling away. I can breathe!

A fucking explosion sounds from somewhere, and both men pause wide-eyed.

Then they lurch for the table at the same time. The stars are pounding in my eyes as I try to wiggle onto my side. There are grunts and slaps. Finally, the man falls back, toppling over me and falling to a stop with his legs still resting on me.

I hear him choking on something. Gasping wet breaths.

Carlos limps to me and pulls me free of the man’s legs. He sets me up the right way up, facing away from the man, and then moves away. I turn to see what he’s doing and watch as he crumbles to his knees, bending over.

The sheers are buried in the man’s chest. Carlos pulls them free with a grunt and then turns to me, climbing to his feet with great difficulty as even more blood spurts from the man.

“Carlos!” I say, horrified, as the red patch on him only grows.

He cuts my bonds free and bends to help me out, but it’s me who helps him.

“Let’s get that baby of yours out of here, huh?”

We limp towards the door, but all we hear on the other side are explosions and gunfire. Carlos grips the handle and then pitches forward against his will. He collapses into it, and I catch him. He’s heavier than I expect, and we limp along slowly. There’s screaming outside, and my heart in my throat hopes to God it isn’t Sebastian. We make our way through the empty warehouse and make for the final door. It’s so close.

So close…

I kick the door open with my foot, and we collapse through into the outside world. Blood splatters as Carlos meets the cement with a grunt. We’re a jumble of limbs, and I untangle myself from him and roll him over. “Carlos!” His head is in the middle of the glare of the outside lights. It looks like a halo around his head. He swallows and smiles up at me.

It’s silent all of a sudden; the gunfire has stopped.

But who’s won?

Chapter 29
