Page 24 of Deny Thy Name

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“What’s your point, Bennett?” I asked, frustrated. I knew Jolie was close and she was probably alone, I desperately wanted to see her but I knew I had to be patient here. I was probably being watched, and I was probably being watched by Tyler or even Amir himself. He’d surely be on the payroll of Edward by now.

Ben pulled up at the beach and we headed down to the cafe on the seaside. Gunnar was already seated and he was sitting with some of the men my father had been training for the army he was building to reclaim the rest of the city. He didn’t know I knew all about it. He didn’t know I knew he was trying to cut me out.

That’s why it was imperative that I took the city for my own.

I could do that with Jolie.

Somehow, even though she had fled from that side, she must know something that could help. Even if she didn’t, we would take that bastard down together. She was my Queen and I her King.

Once I got to the table, I looked at the two men. “Beat it.”

Gunnar’s smile disappeared and he motioned to them to leave. They did, moving past me in a way that annoyed the hell out of me. They were lucky I didn’t have my gun with me.

It had been far too long since I’d shot a man and my trigger finger was itching for a new bloodbath.

I sat down, and Gunnar eased back into his chair. “I feel as if I haven’t seen you, Roman. What business have you been conducting?”

“Why would you ask that?”

“Last I heard you were trying to find the woman who you were forbidden from seeing.”

“I don’t see any reason I would be forbidden, Gun. It is our father’s who feud, not ours.”

Gunnar rolled his eyes. “You’ve never been this careless before.”

“Who says I am being careless?”

“I can see it, my friend. My father thinks he is going to stop this feud. He’s been meeting with them and trying to get them to agree to create two cities, each rule their own.”

“That’s ridiculous. Verona is the biggest city in the state.”

“And it’s also run by corrupt politicians who are out for a quick buck,” he shot back. “Perhaps no feud will mean we don’t need to watch our backs every two seconds. You may even be free to be with the woman you want.”

“They plan on marrying her to that douche royal cousin.”

Gunnar’s face fell. “How did you know about that?”

That’s when I felt betrayal all over again. “How didyouknow?”

“My father has been invited and therefore so have I.”

I felt the urge to sucker punch the fucker in front of me but I bit back the rage building. I had to hear about it like this? He couldn’t tell me?

“Do you follow your father so blindly that you can’t see the marriage for what it is?”

“Of course it’s a farce but it is a Caldwell problem,” Gunnar said. “We don’t need to care.”

“What else do you know, Gun?” I asked, feeling betrayed beyond compare.

“I know that the new city is being developed next to Verona. You can rule over the entire fucking city, Rome. Why would you want to mess that up for some young pussy?”

Instantly, I felt the rage erupt from inside of me. No one spoke about my Jolie like that. I upended the table and sent the drinks flying. Gunnar got to his feet and stepped back as I turned around to punch him.

“What the fuck?” he responded. “You would punch me over a woman?”

“She’s not just any woman,” I said. “She’s mine.”

Gunnar’s face told me everything. He was going to tell his father, and probably Edward. He was going to fuck this up for me, even though he knew what my plans had been these past few years.

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