Page 41 of Deny Thy Name

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“It is, so if you do me wrong again, you best expect I will hunt you down and have you drawn and quartered.”

The barbaric images making their way into my brain sent a chill down my spine. I had no doubt he would.

“I understand.”

“Good,” he said, putting his own napkin down on the table to signal the staff to clear up. “Tomorrow, I have an event to attend. You’ll come with me.”

I nodded and he left the room. Finally, I put my cutlery down, unable to eat any more and stood up, feeling a little queasy.

A few more days and this would be all over, I kept telling myself.


Gunnar stood by the water, shooting his gun into the water. I told Bennett to stay by the cafe. Me and Gun had a lot to talk about.

I crossed the sand, watching the sun hide behind the clouds casting a shadow over the beach. There was a storm brewing.

“I’m surprised you’d risk coming back here,” he said, turning to me, his gun beside him.

“There’s only so much hiding a man can do,” I told him. “I had plans before this shit went down, plans that would make this city a better place and I intend on following through with them.”

“And this woman?”

“Why don’t you like her?” I asked him. “Haven’t you been on at me about getting someone to fall in love with for years?”

“With the enemy's daughter?” Gunnar asked. “Sure, I see what you have with her. I see it, man. But why didn’t you just run? You keep coming back to this place. It’s hell.”

“I couldn’t help falling for her, Gun.”

“You had this city at your feet, Romy. You were so close to succeeding, and now it looks like you may need to initiate the plan we never wanted to enact. Instead of kicking the old men and their pitiful feud off their fucking thrones, and ruling this city with an iron fist like it needed, you throw it all away for a piece of young pussy.”

The anger tore through me but I held back my fist. The fist that was dying to punch him right square in the nose.

“Why?” he asked me.

I couldn’t answer him. I didn’t know the answer.


“No, you need to answer me, motherfucker, because I am this close to using this gun on you.”

He’d been the closest thing to a brother I’d ever had, except for Bennett, but my cousin wasn’t as reckless, as fearless as Gunnar. He’d helped me with everything. He’d saved me from banishment, I couldn’t even count how many times. But when it came down to it, if he asked me to choose between him and Jolie, I would choose Jolie.

I knew it right here and now. I knew I would choose her.

He just didn’t know her well enough yet. If he knew her, he’d never ask these questions, he’d never second guess my actions.

He’d accept her as one of us because she was goddamnit.

“Then point it at me, Gunnar, if that’s what you need to do. Shoot me.”

Gunnar frowned, his gun shaking in his hand as he tried to comprehend what I was asking him to do.

“She must be damn good in bed,” he said as I turned to walk away. The white hot rage in me burned so bright, I couldn’t resist my next action. My body swung around, fist balled at the ready as it landed across his jaw. His head snapped to the side from the brutality of it before he slowly looked back at me, his eyes wide with horror.

“Don’t talk about her like that,” I said through gritted teeth.

He dropped his gun in the sand, and looked at me as if I broke his heart. Maybe I did, I don’t know, but I couldn’t fathom the fact that my best friend couldn’t get past me finding love even if she were from a feuding family to my own.

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