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Gripping the steering wheel, I puffed out a nervous breath and peered into the rear-view mirror. I saw the same blue BMW.

“That’s him for sure. How does a detective afford a nice car like that, I wonder?” I spoke to myself because Manon was back to sulking.

I put my foot down, and the pin pushed up to a hundred. Speeding ticket or not, I needed to lose the prick.

Manon gripped onto her arms. “You’re scaring me. I want to get to Merivale in one piece.”

She was right. He was probably trying to get us to crash.

“There’s nothing he can do while we’re on the road, is there?”

I slowed down to seventy and sat on that. Of course, he came up close behind us. “Yep. There he is up our arse again.”

Manon took out her phone and crushed it, then tossed it out. She then turned and gave him the finger.

“There.” She looked at me, and I touched her leg.

“Sorry for yelling at you.”

“You’re forgiven. Now lose the arsehole.”

I stepped on the accelerator, and seeing an exit, took it.

“At least it’s just one person this time and I’ve got this.” She waved a gun at me.

“Put that away. Have you got the lock on it?”

“Don’t know. I’ve never held a gun before.”

Chapter 27


Icouldn’tbelievewewere in another car chase. Despite hating myself for sending Crisp that message, I hated him more for trying to kill us. “I’ll marry you. Now lay off Drake,” I’d told him.

“Get back here, and we’ll talk about it. Drake’s in danger while he waves his dick around.”

I’d almost laughed at the mention of Drake’s dick, which if I was being honest, I’d fallen in love with. Even with all that was happening, with Drake hating me and making me feel like shit for all my fuckups, I wanted him more. It was like all the drama had made him sexier.

The shock on Drake’s gorgeous face when I’d asked him to fuck me till I bled. Poor thing. He was right out of his comfort zone.

Maybe the therapist I’d seen that once had been right when she’d suggested my father’s physical abuse had turned me into a pain junkie because his slaps had been our only physical contact, since he’d never hugged me.

Physical pain I could do, but not the heartache at the thought of Drake leaving.

As we sped along, I gazed out the window at the open fields.

“If I weren’t so freaked out, I might even enjoy the scenery out here,” I said. “Look at all those cows and sheep oblivious to us silly humans out to hurt each other. I’m sure animals only hurt each other for survival.”

“Isn’t that what we’re doing?” Drake asked.

“I thought it was to avoid me marrying Crisp. That’s why we’re doing this, isn’t it?”

“When you put it like that, it seems rather excessive.”

“Are you having regrets?” I asked.

He kept looking at his rear-view mirror. I turned, and sure enough, the blue car was on our tail.
