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“Here we go,” I said under my breath.

“You’re not sticking around these poofs, are ya?”

Looking scared, Sapphire hid behind Billy while Manon confronted him with her hands on her hips, sneering at him.

I gently took her by the arm. “Hey, let’s go. The guy’s pissed. Don’t play him.”

“He’s a dickhead if he thinks I’d go off with someone as ugly as that.” She said it so loudly that he heard.

“Hey, now listen, bitch…”

That was it. It started with Billy, who was a hothead at the best of times, throwing the first punch. The idiot guy fell back on his arse while his mates, five in all, jumped in, and there we were, punching into each other.

We took them down, two against five, before the cops arrived and bundled us off as Manon yelled abuse, which didn’t help.

Sitting in the back of the police car, Billy looked at me and shook his head with “we fucked up again” written all over his face.

I sucked it back and stared out the window at the noisy, crowded streets, suddenly wishing that were us bouncing along.

“They started it,” I explained to the cop after we got to the busy station.

We’d been there often enough.

“You’ve got a record, I see.” He stared up at me from the counter.

“That was a long time ago. They picked on my friend and were hitting on her.”

“Yeah, yeah. Heard it all before. You need to learn to control your fucking temper.”

Manon burst through the door.

The cop peered up from his glasses. “This is your girl?”

“Yes. I’m his girl,” Manon answered for me. “And they started it. One of them touched my tits. Drake was only defending me. And then all the others jumped in. Five against Drake and Billy. They had a right to defend themselves, you know.”

That was bullshit about her being assaulted, but who was I to contradict her? Manon could have won an academy award because she nearly had me convinced, despite knowing otherwise.

The cop looked her up and down. Dressed in skin-tight white jeans and a pretty blouse that left little to the imagination, Manon was literally out there. I could read his mind. “Dress more modestly next time, and maybe the drunks might not notice you.”

“Hello, stop blaming the victim,” she sang.

“Can anyone corroborate, miss?” the officer asked Manon after she made her statement word for word so he could take it down.

She held up a finger, and a few moments later, Sapphire slipped in.

The older, pissed-off cop looked close to retirement. I imagined he’d seen his share of Saturday-night brawls and had listened to tons of stories just like ours.

Sapphire nodded to everything and gave her details.

The officer studied her closely. “You’re a little young to be out and about.”

“It’s okay. She’s a friend of the family, and she didn’t drink,” Manon interjected.

The cop puffed out a frustrated breath. “Okay. Get out of here. All of you. Unless you want to press charges?” He looked at Manon.

Her decisive shake of the head had the cop’s eyes narrowing.

At least we were free to go.
