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When I saw him going for the door, I went into a spin. “Where are you going?”

He didn’t respond and just left.

Though I hadn’t left that hotel room since we arrived, I chased him. “Come back. Where are you going?”

He turned. “I’m going for a fucking drink. Alone.”

“But you can’t leave me here.” I hated how desperate I sounded.

“I can do whatever the fuck I like.”

I caught up to him and grabbed his arm. “Hey. Let me explain.”

“There’s nothing to explain. You’re fucking sick. It was because of you I blackmailed Crisp with that footage. It’s because of you I killed a guy, and now my life’s in danger.” He pointed in my face. “All because of you.”

“That photo isn’t me,” I cried as I chased him down the hallway. The former me would have told him to shove it up his arse, but I was no longer her. I was weak and helplessly in love, despite hating him for blaming me.

I hated myself more.

“That’s your face.”

I stopped him again. “Come back and let me explain. It’s not me. He photoshopped it.”

And didn’t I know it? I’d created the photo in the first place, but I couldn’t fess up to the fact that I’d once tried to coax Crisp into marrying me.

First Peyton, then Crisp. Instigated by my mother so she could dip her fingers into a deep bag of cash, since Peyton had paid her a truckload of money to have me for those three years.

I could have and should have reported her and Peyton. Instead, I’d walked away, cut myself, and shoplifted.

Drake rolled his eyes. “Pull the other one.” He shrugged out of my clasp and walked off.

Tears poured down my face as I lumbered back to my room, where I raided the bar fridge, then called my grandmother.

“Oh, Manon. I’ve been worried.” Her motherly concern comforted me like a cup of tea on a wet, miserable day.

“Did you get that footage from Drake?” I could hardly speak his name without my voice trembling.

“You don’t sound well.”

You think?

“It’s been horrible, and we’re in danger. We were chased, and Drake had to knock a guy out. We don’t know if he’s alive or dead. He wants to go to the police.”

Her sharp, emphatic “No” made me wince.

“You need to come back straight away. No police without a lawyer present. Our lawyer.” She took a breath. “What were you thinking, running off like that?”

“Drake was chased through the woods. Crisp has set his heavies on him. They are out to kill him. We had to run away. Don’t you see?”

She let out a breath. “I spoke to Rey after I received that footage. Whatever you do, please don’t send it to the police.”

That brought up a ton of questions.

“Rey reassured me he had nothing to do with that murder at the casino.”

“That’s crap, Grandmother.”

“Just get back here, then we’ll talk it through. Don’t involve any police. Don’t talk to anyone. Okay?”
