Page 21 of Sugar Rush

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I swallowed and nodded. "Just so you know, you're doing a shit job of fucking the sad out of me."

Taj gave me a soft look that told me he wasn't fooled and opened his arms. I kissed Arkan and climbed over the sofa, collapsing into Taj's embrace and drawing his spiced chocolate scent into my lungs until I settled. At some point, he'd pulled his cocks out of his pants, probably to stroke them while Arkan and I writhed together. Damn, that was a pretty picture.

"Hey, man," he said to Ark minutes later. "You want your fucking cum back? I'm wearing it now."

"You can keep it," Arkan replied magnanimously.

"Thanks," Taj drawled. "Which cock do you want, Lina?"

I pulled back a few inches to wipe my eyes. "What kind of dumbass question is that?" I sniffled and gave his red, veiny cocks a sad look. "Don't listen to him, babies, of course I want you both."

Taj's eyebrows rose high on his forehead, and he rubbed the base of one of his horns. "Did you just call my monster cocksbabies?"

"Yes, I did," I replied with a decisive nod. "Now, are you gonna fuck me or not? I can still think straight…"

He hauled me close with bruising hands and kissed me hard, our bond overflowing with emotions and greedy, greedy possessiveness.

He gave me both cocks with a deadly kind of patience, not stopping until there wasn't a single thought left in my brain.

And I loved him for it.


Okay, listen up, I'm gonna say something real, and it's going to be motivational, ground-breaking, and poignant.

If you're going on a dangerous quest that more than likely involves hiking or walking, do not—underanycircumstances—ask your men to fuck you so hard that your legs forget how to be legs.

With every step I took down the dingy hallway to the hospital, tenderness throbbed through my pussy and ass, reminding me that only an hour ago I'd been speared on Taj's giant monster cock, with his other stuffed so deep up my ass I didn't just see stars—I became one myself.1

"I want Joseph," I whined, aware I sounded like a spoiled brat who was used to getting her way and not caring one bit. "I want his pancakes. And his hugs."

My chest literallyachedwhen I thought about his big, warm arms wrapping around me. I wanted to melt into him and forget everything bad in the world.

"Two days," Arkan murmured beside me, reaching out to brush my side with his knuckles. "Then he'll be back with us."

"Twodays?"I demanded, throwing a pleading look to Taj on my left as if he could do anything. "Two whole days?"

The shields on the safe house wouldn't disengage fortwo fucking days?I couldn't see my Joseph at all that whole time?

"But I need him," I complained, and realised I'd actually shared something vulnerable about myself.2

Taj grabbed the back of my neck and squeezed, his strange version of comfort. Even stranger, it worked, and I slumped with a sigh. "You'll survive," he muttered.

I made a throaty sound of disagreement, and swung around a corner into a hallway close to the airy guest chambers. Five people stood in our path—five wraiths if the flickering shadows drifting from shoulders, hands, and heads were anything to go by.

"Friends of yours?" I asked Arkan.

"Not exactly," he replied tightly.

Taj's hand tightened on the back of my neck.

"We've been searching for you all morning," the oldest wraith said, a tall, narrow-faced man with a pinched expression like someone had shoved a porcupine up his ass. He completely blanked me and Taj, which was rude as hell. I was the devil's mate, and he was the heir to the whole realm.

The pretty, waif-like woman beside the guy who spokedidn'tblank Taj. She gave him a long, sultry look and wrapped a pale strand of hair around her finger.

"And who might you be?" I asked the obvious ringleader of the group. The others didn't think about speaking, or lift their eyes from the floor. Weird. They reminded me of the Canine Killer's little fanclub, following like shadows, never questioning anything he did. Pathetic little sycophants.

Arkan didn't say anything; he shrank into himself and fell silent. Not a good sign. He'd been looking more lively after fucking me. I fixed a glare on the man when he said, "Lord Ellery."
