Page 29 of Sugar Rush

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"You think you can stop me?" He smirked, wickedness flickering in his eyes. "I do what I want, pretty killer."

"Stop calling me that," I muttered, scowling.

"Why? Because it makes even your demon blush?"

I bared my teeth.

"Cute," he laughed and kissed my sharp fangs, one after the other. It was annoyingly disarming, and distracted me long enough for the Thenawists to bring the staircase of nightmares to a sudden, deadly halt.

I lashed out my hand and grabbed Arkan in case he got any ideas about falling, and realised I could hardly breathe.

The teddy bears looked entirely too impressed with themselves, clapping their paws as they trundled off the staircase and piled into the tower room they'd brought us to.

It took three attempts and a lot of psyching myself up, but I somehow clambered off the staircase, clinging to my mates with white-knuckled hands.

I jolted when I saw the Thenawist demons watching me expectantly, their hoods down so I could see their cute teddy bear faces, and purple eyes blinking at me. Waiting.

"They want to know if you approve of their transportation," Arkan explained, barely concealing his amusement.

No, I firmly didnotapprove. I was almost sick, I nearly died, I nearly lost my mates again and—

Their eyes were so big, and full of sparkly, innocent hope. Their faces were too damn cute.


I gave them a double thumbs up and lied, "Loved it. Best ride of my life."

"Well that's fucking rude," Taj muttered.

I elbowed him.

The Thenawists looked overjoyed with my praise once Arkan translated. One brown and black bear literally fainted. The others left her there on the floor, beckoning for us to follow them with cute, furry little paws.

"Ark, can we—"

"No," he replied immediately, his cold voice unyielding. "We're not keeping one. I've got a hard enough job taking care of X and his highness over there."

"But pleeeeeease," I whined, making my eyes as big and pitiful as the teddy bears'.

Arkan turned to me, and slid his warm palm along my cheek. It was hard to tell his expression since he was so crazy composed, but I knew he was entranced by my beauty.

"You're exceptionally cute, princess," he murmured, and my heart soared. I began to squeal with excitement, but then he added, "We're still not keeping one."

Aw, what?

I crossed my arms over my chest, a sulky pout shoving out my bottom lip. "You're mean."

He kissed my pouty lip, amusement filling our bond. "My word is final, even if you get Taj to cave to your demands."

Taj narrowed his eyes, crossing big, stony arms over his chest. "Are you calling me a soft touch?"

I snorted, because he sowas—but I froze when a low, haunting moan drifted from the room the Thenawists were guiding us into. "Um. Tell me you heard that."

"Yes," Arkan hissed, turning incorporeal and rushing in front of me, a skeletal hand held out to keep me back.

"I'll go first," Taj offered, heading for the tall archway into the room.

I launched after him, shoving him back. "Like fuck you will. You were half-dead this morning. I'm a terrifying killer; I'll be fine."
