Page 46 of Sugar Rush

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His smirk called me on my shit. My flat glare replied his cock better be worth this because I was ready to murder him.

I wasn't prepared for the emotion I felt on his end of the bond. Pride.

"I'm almost finished," he said, turning back to Lou.

"At leastsomeonegets to finish," I said under my breath, crossing my arms over my chest and canvassing for a tissue since my fingers were slick. I spotted one and snatched it, cleaning myself with a vicious glare.

"Last chance to prove your use," Taj told Lou, lifting his knife and angling it in a way that was pretty useless for cutting her—but gave her a good look at the blood staining its brutal edge.6

"I told you—the river," Lou croaked.

"It's a big river," Taj replied, as if they were discussing the weather. "Help me pinpoint his location. After what happened because ofyourintervention, it's the least you can do. An innocent man has been kidnapped thanks to you."

"Innocent," she scoffed.

I shot out of my chair with a growl, deep in my throat. Lou's eyes slid to me and I bared my teeth, letting all my menacing thoughts show.

"You're lucky I'm not the one torturing you. I'd keep you alive and screaming for weeks. Maybe even months." I shrugged, and Lou flinched, her last remaining wing rattling the chain keeping it stretched.

"There's a—an island. A tower. I wasn't—supposed to hear."

"I know it," Taj murmured, and didn't bother with Lou's second wing; he flipped the knife in his hand so he had a firm grip of the handle and drove the hilt straight through her chest. Through her heart.

Without a word, and ignoring the way I stared and panted like a bitch in heat, Taj crossed to the metal sink in the corner and washed his hands, lathering them with an excessive amount of soap. Don't tell me the torturer was a clean freak?

I watched, his competency honestly arousing me even more, as he shut off the water and dried his hands on a clean towel. Man, he was making me look like a slob of a killer.

"You know where Eidolon's going to be?" I asked when Taj turned, crossing the now-silent room. The quiet rang louder than any of Lou's screams had.

He nodded, his brow furrowed and mouth pressed into a hard line. My stomach squirmed. Was he mad at me? Of course he was. I'd promised to behave and then masturbated while he worked.

"I know the island she mentioned," he replied. "Arkan can take us there."

I nodded, a tiny knot unwinding in my chest. There was a chance—as long as my mates kept stubbornly hoping— we could find X alive. A tiny chance was better than no chance, and again,we haven’t seen a body.

"We should go now," I breathed, my heart hammering as Taj drew near, reaching for my waist with one hand and diving down my pants with the other in the same movement.

"We're not going anywhere right now. I owe you an orgasm."

My emotions whiplashed. He wasn't mad at me; he was just horny.Thank fuck.

"You're so wet," he groaned, fire in his eyes. Possessiveness flashed through his soul, his fingers dragging through my arousal to my clit. A low rumble of noise shook his chest when I gasped and grabbed his shoulders, digging my fingernails in.

"I thought—I deserved orgasms, plural. That's what you said—yesterday."

"Thank you for the reminder," he murmured, his fingers gliding with rough pressure until I was panting. He ducked his head and nipped my ear.

"Hey, remember when you hated me?" I laughed deliriously. "You made me come on your knot a bazillion times. Those were crazy days."

"Are you asking me to knot you?"

"Can't. Need to—find X!"I screeched when he thrust two fingers inside me, stroking my clit with his thumb at the same time. When he scissored his fingers, I could have killed him.

"Good point. You want me to stop now?" He began sliding his fingers out of me; I yowled like a fighting cat and grabbed his wrist, drawing blood with how hard I held him.

"That’s what I thought," he laughed, brushing a broad, direct line over my clit until my eyes rolled back. "But you're right; we're short on time, so this will be hard, fast, and rough." His lips brushed my ear as he whispered, "You're going to lose your fucking mind."

"Yes," I agreed. "Now. Harder."

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