Page 49 of Sugar Rush

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"Probably," Taj muttered, stalking alongside me down more hallways. Moans and screams came from behind closed doors; anyone caught in public fucked mindlessly and didn't care who saw. "This is powerful, dangerous magic, and who else would strike at this time?"

"Maybe someone trying to steal the throne while we're distrac—oh. Oh! That's…"

Bel leaned against the dark wall ahead of us with Shira's crimson face shoved between her legs, mouth moving over her pussy with wet, sucking sounds.

"I did not need to see this, Jezebel!" Taj growled, covering his eyes, awkwardness filling our bond as we hurried past. "My own goddamn cousin."

"She's not a nun," I remarked, which was the wrong thing to say.

"I just saw her getting her pussy eaten; I damn well know she's not a nun."

I bit my lip to stifle a laugh as we hurried past, Bel's moans following us.

His ears were turning dark red. Cute.

"And seeing Shira with someone else doesn't bother you?"

Taj snapped his head around to give me a death glare. "Iknewyou needed my knot to remember I'm yours."

A full-body shudder shook me; a veritable puddle gathered between my legs at the suggestion. Silly me, I'd been thinking we were immune to whatever dark, sexy magic was spreading through the castle. Nope.

I threw myself at Taj, plastered my chest to his, and ground my clit on his bulge. "Gimme."

Need detonated like a bomb through my soul, like a damn atom bomb of desire went off. It stole my breath, set my body on fire, and stroked metaphorical fingers across my clit. I fell against Taj with a scream as a climax curled my toes and pounded me with so much pleasure it was like being struck by lightning.

Taj caught me with a grunted curse, his hands on my oversensitive body making me cry out, another deep shudder going through my pussy as—

"Taj!" I gasped, not at the pleasure but because the hands weren't metaphorical—they werereal, and if they were real, if I wasn't crazy, they were invisible hands. Only one man had those. Only one man had made me come on them so hard my mind broke.

"He has to be close. He has to be."

I pushed off Taj and stumbled on orgasm-weak legs down the hall. Taj followed instantly, his hand spreading across my back to support me.

"Breathe," he barked. "What's going on?"

"It's him," I gasped, a sob crashing up my throat. "It has to be, it can't be anyone else, itcan't—"

We veered too fast around a corridor into the airy guest quarters where Arkan had put the wraiths, and my eyes flew wide at the full-on sex party happening in the circular atrium, the large window across from us showering light on every gaping orifice.

I scanned faces frantically, struggling to breathe, my legs so weak and shaky that Taj had to practically hold me up.

My desperate stare snapped to the hallway opposite us when motion blurred, too jerky to be sensual, too sudden to be sex.

Oh, god.

The man who stumbled closer was as naked as everyone else, but drenched in blood. Yet more wept from slashes and lines carved into every available bit of skin, tattoos broken or cut off completely. I couldn't tell what colour his hair was, it was so dark with blood, and his face was unrecognisable. But I knew. My soul would know him anywhere.

"Fuck," Taj choked out, releasing me to launch forward and catch X before he fell. "I've got you. Fuck, you're safe, you're home now."

The circle bond erupted, like a fizzy ocean of cola that someone dumped a truckload of mints in. Pain, terror, and shock met gritty determination and defianthope.X's strength poured back into the bond where it belonged.

How the Hell had Eidolon kept him from the circle bond? It made no damn sense. Unless … unless he’d kept X somewhere we could never reach him.

He parted his cracked, bleeding lips and rasped, "I need…"

"Shit, of course you do," Taj choked out, and cleared his throat. "Avie, we need a bed. Your room's closest; can you call Joseph and Ark with your bonds? I can't do that through the circle."

I nodded, shaky as I followed Taj and X through the castle. He was—he was here. He was covered in cuts and blood, and even though I'd watched Taj torture a woman without batting an eyelid,this…
