Page 96 of Sugar Rush

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I might have given a sympathetic wince if I wasn't so absolutely petrified.

"What are you doing here?" I cried at my mate, my heart beating so fast it felt like a heart attack. "Go back, you need to go back."

"Not without you," X hissed, his blue eyes full of violence.

"I'm coming, too," I growled, rushing to him and trying to shove him through the barrier, my stomach a mess of pain, blood, and terror. He resisted me when he noticed my wound.

Behind us, Eidolon let out a weary sigh, like we were a soap opera he was bored of. Tension wound tighter in my body, urgency making my skin itchy.

"What did you do?" X breathed, staring at the knife in my gut, hot blood covering my armour.

"Who cares?Get through the barrier!Now,X," I snapped.

Panic made my breathing fast, made my senses blurry and clumsy. I grabbed his arm and hauled us across the few feet between us and the invisible wall.

Turning my back on Eidolon and his army made my whole body prickle, and I bit down on a scream when my stomach screamed with pain at all my jostling.Nothing I haven't endured before,I reminded myself.

I slammed into the barrier with my shoulder—and screamed when a solid wall slammed me back a step. My legs buckled, already weakened thanks to climbing a billion stairs at the Feared Tower. If X hadn't grabbed me, I'd have hit the hard ground and done even more damage to myself.

Where was the rip he’d made in the magic? I searched but found nothing, only an impenetrable shield.

"X…" I breathed, unable to hide the tremble in my hands. "I can't get out."

He slammed his own hand into the air—and met an unyielding barrier. Over and over he punched, and then tried to hack his way through with knives and magic. Whatever vulnerability he’d exploited to getinwasn’t letting himout.

He didn't need to say it out loud, I really didn't need to hear it,orhear the terror that made his voice crack.

"We're trapped in here with him."


Aslow clap made my hackles rise and all the hairs lift on the back of my neck. Breathing fast and hard, I turned to find my bastard father/abuser strolling towards us, his dull brown eyes glittering.

"You've stabbed yourselfandtrapped your mate here. Well done, Aveline."

"Oh, go fuck a pine cone," I snapped, breathing fast.

"I can heal you," X murmured.

He ignored my cry ofno!to knock my hand aside and pull the glass dagger from where it was buried in my stomach.

But the orb—

"X!" I gasped when he staggered back, light glowing through his hand, lighting up his bones.

Blood poured down my side and pain rushed into my core, filling me with vibrant magic for a moment before it was sucked out. That wasmyfucking magic.

I hissed through my teeth, grabbing X and holding him up when his knees buckled. His skeleton shone through his skin, like he'd been pumped with a thousand volts of electricity. It hadn't been like this when Eidolon took the crown from Dev. What the hell had we done?

"Give me the knife, Aveline," Eidolon ordered calmly, stalking across the church field.

I threw up a hand, giving my magic a brutal yank and spitting flames. Tiny, pathetic flames.

I growled through gritted teeth. How was I supposed to protect X and myself when I had no magic? The old fashioned stabbing way wouldn't work on Eidolon—or his army, which crept slowly, quietly closer on some silent order.

"My tongue feels … sparkly," X blurted, his eyes wide and locked on me. "Av, there's an explosion in my hands."

I dove into my pocket for a sachet of popping candy, and ripped off the top. "Open," I ordered, not surprised when X instantly opened his mouth. I poured the sugar crystals in and shook the packet empty. "Sugar will help.1
