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“Hey, guys.” Erin pulled me into a hug before I even finished speaking, making me laugh. “You’re in a good mood tonight.”

“That’s because she spent a good long while flying this afternoon,” Max answered for her. Max was easily the best rigger I had ever met, and Erin was an incredible rope bottom. I didn’t know enough about rope to work with that kind of skill, but I held so much respect for the art the two of them created together.

“It was incredible, Sadie. Sir bought these incredible little torture devices. See?” She held her hand out to me. Within it sat a metal rectangle, blunt spikes on one side and a flat surface with a carved out space where rope could slide through.

“What on Earth is that?” I asked, picking up the small metal piece and inspecting it, as though it would magically tell me its secrets.

“That is called a rope bastard,” Max answered smugly, rocking back and forth on his heels with pride. “You slide the rope through this side and when you tie your bottom, the spikes here dig into the flesh as the rope binds them. They are blunt enough not to cut skin, but they hurt like a son of a bitch.”

The way he chuckled sinisterly as he spoke had me smirking.

“I may not be a rigger, but this is something I can absolutely get behind.” I handed the torture device back to Erin, who held onto it like a personal talisman.

“It created the most beautiful marks. Want to see?” Her enthusiasm was enchanting.

“Bunny, calm your tits. Lady Luxe has plenty to busy herself with tonight without you prattling on about your marks.” He chastised her lightly, but pulled her to his side with a kiss on the head as he added, “But they are beautiful marks, love.” She beamed under his praise and it filled me with warmth.

“I would love to see your marks, but I do need to find Jester and prepare for our scene. I believe we have the space reserved for ten. Is that right, Max?”

“Yup. You two have the side stage tonight.” Once his words had confirmed my plan for the evening, I bid them both goodbye and head off to find Jester, also known as Christopher. After searching for a moment, I found him walking down the back hall where the aftercare rooms were.

“Good evening, Jester,” I said, greeting him with a smile, but already donning my Domme persona.

“Lady Luxe,” he answered with a grandiose bow. Always the theatrical one, my Jester.

“Are you ready for our scene tonight?” I asked him, critically looking over his expressions for the slightest signs of hesitation. It did not do well to go into a scene in the wrong headspace, and Jester more than most. He was prone to bouts of depression, and I was acutely aware and on guard for any sight of it.

“More than ready,” he answered honestly, his eyes meeting mine with a sincerity I needed, and was glad to see.

“Good boy. Fifteen minutes until showtime. Do what you need to do and meet me at the side stage. Understood?” He simply nodded his response, scurrying back down the hall with a skip in his step to finish any preparations he may have had.

I hurried to the space we had reserved, moving the furniture around to my liking, and setting up the implements I wished to use. Jester was a brat of epic proportions, and our scenes rarely lazed about. I didn’t like having to pull items from my bag mid-scene with him, as I did with both Bex and with Thomas.

A few stragglers hung around the space, waiting for our show to begin. I waved at a few friendly faces, but for the most part, I took the time to make sure everything was in order — including my mind — before the scene would begin. I glanced at the clock, noting that it was only two minutes until the scene was to begin.

Jester had requested a particular scene this evening, one that had technically already begun. He would enter the space late, on purpose and with consent, in order to set the scene he wished to play. As I said, Jester was a theatrical one.

Finishing my preparations, I scanned the crowd as the time our start time ticked past. I sat in the chair, my favorite red leather wingback, feigning annoyance as I tapped my foot. I glanced towards the hall where Jester had scurried off too, assuming he would come from that direction, but as I glanced over the faces, I saw him.Thatcher.

Just as quickly as the panic began to well up in my gut, it dissipated at the sight of Jester, making his way through the crowd in no hurry whatsoever. Several club members pointed to the clock, but ever the actor, Jester simply shrugged them off, hands in pockets as he moseyed his way over to me.

“Jester!” My voice rang out in the crowded arena like area, the chattering around me coming to an abrupt halt at my loud shout. Jester, however, only smirked and continued his slow saunter over to me.

“Yes, Lady Luxe?” he asked as he finally stood before me. I still sat in the chair, refusing to stand, just to see what he would do. He knew better than to situate himself above me in a scene.

“You fucking know what.” My words spat at him harshly. I heard a few spectators gasp at my clipped tone.

“Hmm, let me think.” He tapped his chin as he pretended to think his options over.

“I’ll give you to the count of five,” I said through tightly clenched teeth.

“Can you count that high?” His jabbing words had gasps of shock ricocheting through the crowd. Lady Luxe was not one to be trifled with, and they all knew it.

“One.” I was pleased to see his expression waver, if only for a moment.

“Two.” His hands fidgeted at his sides before regaining his composure.

“Three.” I watched as his Adam’s apple bobbed with a hard swallow. For all the play Jester liked to partake in with his bratty attitude, he was an excellent submissive. He wouldn’t be under my dominance if he weren’t.
