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“Hello, Bex,” I greeted her with affection. I reached towards her, hugging her into me with a gentle kiss to her forehead.

“I’m excited to see your scene tonight,” she said, her eyes nearly dancing with excitement. The compersion radiating off of her was beautiful to see.

“You’re awfully chipper tonight,” I said with a chuckle.

“That’s because she gets to watch this scene, then go watch me scene afterwards,” Daniel said, wrapping his arm around her.

“Oh, that’s so exciting! Who are you scening with tonight?” I asked with genuine interest.

“Max, actually.” His answer surprised me.

“A rope scene! That’s so exciting! What time?”

“Directly after your scene,” he answered.

“I won’t be able to watch, unfortunately. I’ll be in aftercare with Septus, but I know you’ll do beautifully! Good luck, and congrats!” I glanced at the clock again, noting there were only five minutes left before my scene. “Sorry, but I must prepare now. I hope you both enjoy what Max has planned.”

Turning away from the couple, I ran through my mental checklist one last time before taking a moment to collect my thoughts and slip further into the headspace that was Lady Luxe. I looked towards the clock one last time, noting that it was time to begin. As I turned, I saw him. And my stomach flipped.

He stood there, in all his submissive glory, wearing nothing but a pair of black boxer briefs. His hands clasped behind his back, his posture ramrod straight. But it was his lowered eyes and submissive demeanor that threatened to steal my breath and send butterflies fluttering through my stomach.

Who was I kidding? There was no ‘threatening’ about it. That’s exactly what was happening. I felt my mouth go dry. It took all my energy not to gape at him, to go to him, kiss that full lower lip of his, and forget the scene all together.

I took a breath, righting myself and refocusing on the task at hand. He nodded his head once, raising his eyes just enough to catch my gaze. Fuck me, that look was pure sin. I wasn’t prepared for it. But I would use it, let it fuel the moments to come. I sauntered over to him as he lowered his eyes once more.

The scene had begun.

The sounds of the crowded room lessened, the thrum of excitement and anticipation hanging in the air like a thick fog. I let it seep into my very pores, letting it build inside of me and stoke the energy of the scene into a fever pitch. My hand found his chest, my fingertips running over the tattooed skin lightly until shivers ran down his back. I had no idea he had tattoos before this moment, but I was not at all displeased. His chest and arms were covered in beautiful artwork. Art I planned to only add to as the night progressed.

“You told me you were not afraid to get burned, Septus,” I said quietly, my voice purring at him with utter sensuality as my hands ran over his form.

“Yes, Lady Luxe,” he answered obediently.

“Let’s see just how true those words are.” I was toying with him. There was no reaction from him, were you to ask any of the witnesses gathered. But I could see him up close. I could hear the way his breath caught for just a fraction of an instant.

“Move to the table and lay on your back,” I commanded quietly. I was surprised when he did not move.

“May I disrobe, Ma’am?” he asked, surprising me further.

“You may wear what you have on or disrobe to your comfort level.” Without a word, he tugged down the black fabric until it pooled at the floor. I did not move my gaze lower, but based on the gasp from those gathered, he was aroused. My nails drug over the skin of his back as I circled him slowly. His back was just as illustrated as his chest was. I found myself tracing the lines for only a moment before he moved towards the massage table at the center of the space.

I couldn’t resist admiring the curve of his ass as he walked away. The man had one hell of a body, and I’d be a fool not to take notice of it. I stepped towards him as he lay back on the table, my steps faltering — hopefully imperceptible — as his jutting cock came into view. His cock was as beautiful as the rest of him; long and thick, and completely free of hair. The icing on the cake was the way he was completely unashamed of his nudity. It was breathtaking to see such confidence with a humility I had not expected, least of all from him.

I had placed two trays near the table, holding all the instruments I needed for the scene. I moved behind the table, gazing over his naked form. My hands slowly ran over his body, tracing the artwork with soft touches that had his nipples hardening and his cock bobbing with desire.

Good. I wanted him aroused to the point of distraction from the first moment.

“Your body is stunning, Septus,” I purred, my touches turning from soft, light strokes to scrapes of my long nails against his skin.

I ran my nails over his pebbled nipples, watching as he hissed slightly.

“Sensitive, I see. Arms above your head.” The command landed perfectly, his arms moving obediently until he was stretched out beautifully before me. I dug my nails into his skin harder, watching for every reaction as he hissed, and subsequently breathed out a shaky breath. My fingers moved lightly over his ribcage. He released a shuddered breath. Music to my ears.

“Tonight we will explore juxtaposition,” I spoke loudly, letting the crowd hear me more clearly, though my words were only for him. My eyes moved up his body, finding his gaze locked on me. The submission that shone in his eyes was mesmerizing. Those deep, vibrant blue eyes held my gaze for only a moment. I arched a brow, and he quickly lowered his gaze.

Down my touch ran, over his abdomen, finding the dip of his hipbone and teasing closer to his cock. I watched as the tip of his length beaded with arousal, pooling and making my mouth water. I wanted to taste him. To tease him. I wanted to edge him to the point of insanity and beyond.

“Spread your legs.” His hips lifted slightly, his cock twitching as he spread his legs wide for me. I wanted him to find no pleasure in anything but the touch and sensationIgave him.
