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“I did.”

“I… I don’t know what to say. I had no idea.”

“Why would you?” He chuckled under his breath, leading me through the end of the hallway and to the table situated in a modest but beautiful dining room.


“Why would you know that? You haven’t asked me anything personal since our first meeting.”

“I think we’ve shared plenty of personal things, Thatcher,” I argued, taking my seat across from him.

“We’ve shared sexual things, kink related things, yes. But nothing personal, nothing about ourselves in any real capacity. But that is neither here nor there. What is it you wanted to discuss this evening? Was there an issue with the scene?” I could see behind the facade of confidence, the hints of a vulnerability that lurked there in the recesses of his demeanor.

“No, there was no issue with the scene. You were utter perfection.” I watched as relief washed over him, his shoulders relaxing and the creases on his forehead smoothing out.

“I’m glad to hear it. It was perfection for me as well.”

“Let me be clear. I’m not really here as Lady Luxe. Not really. I’m here as Sadie. I want to talk more to Thatcher than I do to Septus right now.”

“Well, I’m all ears,” he answered, relaxing in his seat, leaning back.

“I want to talk to you about how I’d like things to look moving forward.”

“Is this about how I acted at the barbeque? I promise you, I will not bring up kink in a public setting like that again. I am very serious about boundaries, Sadie. I mean that with every ounce of sincerity I possess.”

“It’s not that. I believe you when you say that. It’s about not only our scenes together, but how things are here at home.” He simply waited for me to continue. I took in a deep breath of courage. Why was this so difficult? “I’m not sure which part to discuss first,” I admitted with a short laugh.

“Why don’t you start with the kink side of things first? We know each other better in that respect,” he answered, his advice most welcome.

“You’re right. I would like to scene with you more.”

“Thank fuck for that!” He exclaimed with a sharp laugh. “Having scenes with you… fuck, Sadie. It’s something else. And I say that as a man who has been a submissive for the better part of fifteen years.”

“Fifteen years?” I asked, a little surprised. I don’t know why I thought it would have been less. He had the strength and knowledge of a well-experienced submissive. Perhaps it was that I was used to playing with newer subs, or training them myself.

“Yeah, I was a Dominant for a few years, when I first discovered kink, but I quickly learned that it wasn’t the right space for me. I underwent formal Dominant training, thinking it would make me better, enhance my flow as a Dominant. When I took on the submissive role in my education… man. That first time I was on my knees, I was home.” He spoke with a reverence that made me smile and warmed me in the depths of my soul.

“I know what you mean.” And I did. I knew exactly what he meant. I had gone through a similar experience, though backwards.

“Anyway, as you were saying?”

“Right. I would like to scene with you and possibly make it more official. If you are interested, that is.” It was hard not to let Lady Luxe take over the conversation and to keep Sadie at the forefront of my mind.

“Are you talking about a formal contract?” He leaned forward, elbows on the table, as he looked at me with a quiet intensity, watching my every expression and reaction with an astute eye.

“Not a formal contract just yet. But a trial period, with the intent on a contract, at the right time.”

“I accept.” His answer came so quickly, without an ounce of hesitation. So much so, I sat back in my seat with surprise at his eagerness.

“You don’t want to discuss the particulars?”

“Of course I do. But I feel like that will come from a specific negotiation discussion between the two of us. Is that your intent for tonight? Or just to declare your desires and intentions?” I wasn’t used to having these conversations with someone so well spoken and concise. Sub-frenzy and over-exuberance abounded typically. But not with Thatcher. He was a pro, and he knew it. We were on more equal footing than any other submissive I had ever encountered. I was drawn to it, seduced by it.

“You’re absolutely right. I would like to find a time to sit down and have those negotiations, preferably later this week, and preferably at Haven.”

“Sounds perfect to me, Sadie. And what about the other piece of business on your agenda?” he asked with a small gesture of his hand.

“Right. That.” I faltered, looking for words more eloquent than,hey, I like you.His eyes were on me, running over my skin as though the touch were physical. “I want to talk about our relationship outside of Haven.”
