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“You are a goddess.” He grunted his words, the staccato rhythm of his hips thrusting faster, shorter as we both rushed towards the finish line.

“Oh God,” I cried out, his throbbing cock hitting just the right angle as I leaned back, finding a position that hit my g-spot with unerring precision.

His fingers bruised as they dug into my hips, rocking me back and forth on his length faster; quick, sharp, and relentless. Rearing up, he joined me, letting me ride his length as he supported my back, arms crossing, locking my hips to him as I bowed backwards. Hips grinding, breaths panting, we found our finish together with cries that punctuated the silent night.

He pulled me to him, my arms wrapping around his neck as I clung to him, and he clung to me.

Murmured words of praise fell from each of our lips as we fell back against the pillows together. He slipped from my core, the proof of his climax spilling out and coating my lower lips and thighs with a sticky reminder of our passion that I couldn’t bring myself to care about.

As I curled up in his arms, sated and happy, I realized there wasn’t much of anything I cared about in that moment other than him, other than this experience together.

The line had been crossed. And I was in no hurry to think about the repercussions that were sure to come.


I woke slowly,stretching and rubbing my legs together much like a cricket. Birds chirped outside, and the sun filtered in through the sheer curtains.

Sheer curtains.

I didn’t have sheer curtains. Jamie struggled to sleep in the mornings unless it was pitch black, hence the blackout curtains we had in our bedroom.

This wasn’t my bedroom.

I slowly flipped over in the bed to see Thatcher, arm sprawled out over his head, looking like an inked God, his lips slightly parted as he slept.


Holy motherfucking fuck.

Panic swelled up through my belly, lodging directly in my rapidly racing heart and making my chest tighten until it was hard to breathe.

What had I done?

It was morning. And I had to get out of here.

I carefully pulled back the covers, slipping from the bed as slowly and as cautiously as possible so as not to wake Thatcher. My eyes scanned his room, seeking my clothing that had been tossed somewhere in a blaze of passion the night before. I dressed quickly, cursing the difficulty of zipping up my dress as I slipped my heels on.

With one last look over my shoulder at the sleeping man who had led me into his bed, and into trusting him, I left. I quietly closed his front door, locking it behind me.

With the early light of morning came the instant regret, and the dread of realization as the repercussions hit me solidly in the face. The sprinklers were already bursting to life, and the sounds of dogs barking in backyards, though not a soul could be seen this early along the streets of Apple Grove. Thank fuck for that. I slipped quickly down the steps of his porch and down the sidewalk, immediately cursing the seemingly booming sound of my clicking heels. I slipped them off, grabbing them as I hastily made my way across the street just in time to see Lisa Snyder walk out of her front door and head off in the direction of — fuck it all — my house.

I hid behind a tree, watching as she made her way across the street, bustling like the know-it-all pain in the ass she was. When she turned left, heading towards Danielle’s house instead of my own, I breathed a sigh of relief.

It was now or never.

I waited until she reached Danielle’s door, and then made a run for it, pulling something from inside me — something from my former track days — as I dashed towards my own house. I slipped around the side of the house, to the side of the garage and the door to safety that lay there. She surely would have seen me had I gone for the front door.

I walked through the garage and into the house, pressing my back against the door as my heart thundered away in my chest, threatening to break my ribcage with every vicious, panic-filled thud. My heels skidded across the wood flooring of the hallway as I slumped down, sliding down the door until my ass hit the floor and tear drops dripped down past my cheeks.

What had I done?

Shaky hands pulled my cell phone out of my purse, the screen lighting up with dozens of notifications.

Where are you?

Are you okay?

I need to tell you something. Please answer.
