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“And that painting, which one was it?” Thatcher asked, mostly to himself.

“The one with the woman?” I asked excitedly.

“Yes! God, the way he captured such emotion in her eyes. It was so complex.” He simply gushed over the artwork we had seen.

“I agree. Though I preferred his earlier work,” Valen said.

“That’s because you like things that are dark and broody,” Jamie teased them.

“Eh, what can I say?” Valen shrugged. “I’m a person who knows what they like. Jamie mentioned you’re an artist as well, and it was obvious at the show, of course. What’s your medium?”

“Oil painting primarily, though I dabble in watercolors from time to time. I find it boosts my creativity to switch around occasionally,” Thatcher answered.

“I feel that!” Valen agreed.

“Are you an artist as well?” I asked them.

“I am. I’m a sculptor, and I do some welding work, though sculpting is my primary source of income and probably my favorite. Eh, maybe,” they answered.

“Oh, don’t sit here and pretend like you don’t secretly love welding more.” Jamie laughed, teasing them.

“You might be right. I love both. But when I weld, I get to play with fire.” Valen’s eyes lit up with an evil grin as they saidfire, making us all laugh. I watched Jamie wrap his arm around their waist, hugging them close for a moment and drawing Valen’s eyes up to his. They both blushed, smiling like fools. It was perfect and lovely and filled me with such joy for the both of them to watch their affection in person.

Valen was a character. Jamie had been right about that. They were so beautifully open and honest. It was refreshing. It showed me that for all the worry and doubt that came with coming out and being honest with who you really were, there was a silver lining; in the end, you got to just be yourself.

Thatcher’s hand found my thigh beneath the table, giving me a squeeze just above my knee as we all chatted away. Moments later, that hand started to move up my thigh slowly, slipping under the skirt of my dress.

I turned my head to look at him, but he was actively talking with Jamie about something I was no longer paying attention to. He shot me a quick smirk, and when I opened my mouth to say something, he gave a sharp shake of his head. I blushed and let him carry on, that hand moving further up my thigh, sliding to the innermost part and softly caressing my skin.

“So Valen, Jamie tells me that you’re Chris’s sibling,” I said, distracting myself from Thatcher’s wandering hand.

“Unfortunately,” they scoffed. “But no, in all seriousness, Chris is a great older brother.”

“Oh, older brother?” I asked.

“Yeah, that always surprises people. Chris has this major golden retriever frat boy vibe that makes people think he’s still in his twenties instead of his mid-thirties.” They shook their head and laughed. “He’s good people, but a total goof.”

“He’s not a total goof. He and Sadie have a lot in common, actually.” Jamie added, shooting me a wink.

“Ugh, don’t remind me.” Valen rolled their eyes and made a fake gagging noise. Then their eyes popped open and looked at me in shock. “Oh no, not about you, though! Never you. Just thinking of my brother doing… well… what you do… yeah, it turns the stomach.”

“Okay, I’m a little confused,” I admitted.

“They’re saying Chris is a Dominant,” Thatcher whispered beside me, just as his fingers found the outside of my panties.

“What?” I shrieked, drawing the attention of several other restaurant patrons.

“Yeah, has been for several years.”

“I’ve never seen him at Haven,” I said, muttering to myself.

“He hasn’t been to the club, to my knowledge, but he’s been a Dominant for several years. He had one girl he dated that was his sub for several years. It ended a year ago, and he just hasn’t put himself back out there again,” Valen explained.

“I can understand tha-at.” My voice trembled oddly as Thatcher’s fingers slipped inside my panties, finding my folds and my clitoris hidden within. I feigned a cough, especially noting the odd look Jamie gave me.

“You okay, Sadie-bug?” he asked worriedly.

“Just fine,” I muttered out breathlessly as Thatcher’s fingers danced over my clit.

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