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“It has been an honor to serve you,” she answered with a pride that filled my soul.

“Good little slut.” My commendation gave her the praise she desired at the end of our scene. She fell before me into a perfecthumbleposition, her arms stretched out before her as her forehead touched the floor.

“Thank you,” I spoke to the crowd, turning back to my bag and grabbing Bex’s robe. I wrapped it around her, helping her to her feet as I gathered our things and walked her through the crowded room and to one of the private rooms along the back hallways assigned for aftercare.

“Shower or cuddles first, Bex?” I asked, my tone completely shifted from my earlier cruel demeanor to one of care and pride.

“Shower,” she said, sighing contentedly with a smile a mile wide.

“Sounds good.” I squeezed her arm gently before she made her way to the attached bathroom. It wasn’t anything spectacular, just a normal bathroom with a shower stall included, but it worked. While Bex showered and cleaned up, I organized my toy bag, putting everything away neatly, ready to clean when I arrived back home this evening. I pulled out my panties and put them back on, along with the short skirt I had worn earlier in the evening, completing my outfit and making myself a little more comfortable.

“So much better,” Bex said with a sigh of relief as she walked out of the bathroom and back into the room. I sat on the edge of the bed in the room, tapping my hand on the surface.

“Come sit.” She cuddled into my side, and I wrapped my arm around her. “You performed beautifully tonight.”

“Thank you, Lady Luxe.” She beamed under my praise. For as much as she loved being degraded, she needed this kind of care and praise in the aftermath of such an emotionally charged scene.

“It’s just the truth.” I kissed the top of her head, smiling into the wild curls and stroking my hand up and down her arm. “I could not have asked for a better scene. How was the degradation level for you?” I asked.

“It was perfect. The fact that the crowd was larger than normal definitely played into it.” She chuckled softly, nuzzling into my shoulder, her arm wrapped around my waist as she sought comfort in my embrace.

“Was there anything you’d change?”

“Nothing at all,” she answered quietly. We drifted into silence, simply enjoying each other’s company as we both came down from our headspaces and back into reality. I needed it as much as she did.

After a few minutes, there was a soft knock at the door. Typically, that would not be normal, however, I knew exactly who it was.

“Come in, Daniel,” I answered. The door opened and Daniel, Bex’s husband, entered the room with a pleased smile on his face.

“Hello, Lady Luxe.” His greeting may have been for me, but he only had eyes for Bex.

“Wasn’t she superb this evening?” I asked, smiling down at Bex’s still cuddled up form. She pulled away from my side, laying back onto the mattress, her head curled up on the pillow provided.

“She was the picture of submission,” he readily agreed.

“What else can I do for you?” I asked my submissive, turning towards her and brushing a few errant curls back behind her ear.

“I’m perfectly happy, Lady Luxe. Check in with me in a few days?” It was a well-established practice we held after two years of dynamic together, but still she asked.

“Of course,” answered softly. “Take good care of her, and call me if you need anything,” I said to Daniel, retrieving my bag and heading out of the room quietly. I paused before closing the door, watching as Daniel crawled onto the bed behind his wife. The two curled up together, taking comfort in each other as she came down from our scene. It was a beautiful sight, and I closed the door quietly, allowing them their privacy.

I shifted my toy bag on my shoulder, making it more comfortable, before making my way back to the bustling main floor room. The noise had only intensified during Bex’s and my aftercare time. I caught the attention of Max and Erin from across the room. They were the owners of Haven, and had become incredible friends to me in the last several years.

“That was some scene you just had, Luxe,” Max said, nodding his head with approval.

“No kidding. That girl can handle public humiliation like a champ!” Erin chuckled, agreeing with her husband.

“Yes, she can. She’s a wonderful submissive. It’s fun to have the flexibility to play around in our scenes that way,” I agreed with a smile.

“Between your three submissives, I think you might be one of our most prolific Dominants here at Haven.” Max’s praise was not lost on my part. It was something he both chided me for and praised me for often.

“Speaking of, it looks like your other subs are coming this way now.” I turned around at Erin’s words, looking over my shoulder as my two male submissives headed my way. “Call me later this week and let’s talk about that class I was telling you about.”

“I’m not sure I’m the right person to teach a class on negotiations, Erin.” She had been asking me for months to teach the class, but teaching wasn’t really my forte.

“You’d be perfect for it and we both know it,” she answered. Clearly, the woman was not about to take no for an answer. I shrugged, choosing not to answer or argue the point further. I heard Christopher clear his throat behind me. Max and Erin got a saucy smile from me before I turned to my two boys with a stern look on my face.
