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“What do you say, Septus? You and I should do a scene together with our Dominant.” Bex wiggled her eyebrows at him suggestively.

“Now that sounds like fun!” He agreed, much to my surprise.

“Seriously?” I questioned them both with a critical eye.

“Just think of it: the two of us, submitting to you…” He trailed off, hoping I would agree.

“Or bratting.” Bex added with a shrug.

“Careful, girl.” I warned her with a smile. “You brat too much and you’ll earn yourself punishment.”

“Ha!” she scoffed. “Like I’m afraid of a punishment.”

“Your mouth is writing checks your ass can’t cash, little girl.” I warned her playfully. “But we’ll talk about it.”

“Yes!” She did a literal happy dance, right there at the edge of the hallway, delighting in her victory.

“We’re off for the night, Bex. Take care of yourself. And I’ll see you in a few days for our scene.”

“I’m looking forward to it, Lady Luxe,” she said, finding her composure and behaving.

Septus and I headed off out of Haven as he whispered into my ear. “I’m looking forward to it, too.”

“You are?”

“Oh absolutely. I love watching you in action. You’re one hell of a Domme, Lady Luxe.”

With a shared smile, we made our way to the car and headed home.


“Well,isn’t this a lovely party you’ve got going here, Sadie Day?” Mrs. Snyder said with an insincere little smile on her face. Fucking great. Lisa Snyder, the one person I truly had hoped to avoid at this stage of the party; the one who had caused all of this drama in the first place.

I plastered on a smile twice as wide, and ten times as fake, turning to greet her. “Thank you, Mrs. Snyder! It has been a while since Jamie and I hosted one of our little community get-togethers, and we thought it was high time we fixed that.” I began to turn away, hoping to avoid further conversation, but she stepped closer and continued speaking.

“Now, dear,” she said, taking my hand in hers and patting the top of it as she whispered almost conspiratorially, pulling me away from the crowd by a few feet. “I wanted to take a moment to talk to you about something of the utmost importance.”

“Of course, Mrs. Snyder.” I barely suppressed a growl as I let her lead me. I had a few ideas of what that might be, all of which filled me with dread. But what came out of her mouth next was exactly thelastthing I would have ever expected.

“I wanted to take a moment to invite you and your husband to church with me this Sunday! I have attended Grace Baptist Church for several years. My dear Mr. Snyder was a deacon there before he passed, God rest his soul.”

“Excuse me?” I asked, surely having misheard her. Had this woman really just invited me to church?

“Absolutely, dear! In fact, this Sunday would be theperfecttime for you and Mr. Day to attend. Pastor Rodgers will be giving a special sermon on the holy and unbreakable covenant of marriage, and I simplymustinsist that you both attend.” She made the most vile little giggle of a noise; it made me want to smack her right in her sanctimonious face.

“I appreciate the invitation, but I simplymustdecline.” I was trying to be polite. Well, trying might be too strong a word.

“Well, I don’t think thatyoucan really answer that, now can you?” She chuckled.

“I’m sorry, what?” This time, all pretense of politeness was gone. “I’m certain I just–”

“Don’t worry, dear,” she said, patting my hand patronizingly. “I’ll just ask the man of the house later this evening.”

Before I could say a word, she walked away, tittering off into the crowd. It was a damn good thing, too. All anxiety I had felt before had been burned away, instantly replaced by rage at the appalling hag. Fuck herandher backwards, patriarchal views.

I made my way back up to the patio, needing to put as much fucking distance between myself and the wicked witch herself before I took matters into my own hands — literally.

Danielle joined me a moment later.

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