Page 21 of Pretty Little Toy

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He’s already tying off the knot to the rope holding my legs in place and exposing my pussy to him so completely. I shift my hands, attempting to tug at my restraints, only to find he’s bound them to my sides as well, leaving me utterly defenseless.

“Now, pet, you’re going to show me just how quiet you can be. After all, I might want to fuck you in public someday, where you can’t make a noise and draw attention to us.”

Fuck, in public? Oh, Jesus Christ, he must be joking.But I bite my tongue, knowing that saying as much will only get me into trouble. Then Ilya presents a second toy. This one looks more like a dildo, only the base of it seems to hold a battery for some reason. I bite the inside of my cheek in an attempt to stay quiet as Ilya slides the silicone toy into my exposed pussy. Then he turns it on.

I don’t know how anyone can stay silent for sex. Despite my best efforts–biting my lips to keep them closed and holding my breath for all it’s worth–I squeal as the onslaught of vibrations against my clit grows unbearable. It doesn’t help that Ilya knows how to fuck me with the toy as though it’s his own glorious cock. And with my legs strapped so tightly to my thighs, I can’t even twitch, let alone shift to relieve some of the electric pleasure crackling up my spine.

I’m orgasming before I even have time to realize I was near the cusp, and a throaty groan escapes me as my pussy throbs around the vibrating dildo, pulling the buzzing handle more tightly against my clit again and again as I milk the toy. Ilya unceremoniously yanks the rubber shaft out of me before the last of my aftershocks dwindle, and I yelp in shock as a sharp spank lands across my bare ass.

“I told you to stay quiet, pet,” Ilya growls, his eyes deadly as he leans over me. “Now I must punish you for disobeying.”

Terror grips my chest, and I jerk forcefully against my bonds, trying to escape. The soft rope cuts into my skin, making me gasp, and I stop struggling. It’s useless. He has me so tightly bound, I’ll only put marks on my skin if I try to break free. For a split second, I envision whips, canes, gags, god only knows, as Ilya reaches for the table next to the bed, and my stomach flips.

Then I catch sight of the foil wrapper, and heady relief washes through me as Ilya rips it, extracting the condom before rolling it over his newly erect cock. If he plans on fucking me now, whatever punishment he has in mind can’t be that bad. I can take pain with that kind of pleasure. Still, my heart thrums an irregular beat as my clit throbs with fresh anticipation. How I can crave him inside me so desperately, even when my pussy is so tender from last night, I don’t understand.

“If you can’t stay quiet on your own,rabynya, I will have to make you,” Ilya rasps as he climbs on top of me, his massive chest pressing down on mine and pinning me even more thoroughly to the bed.

His cockhead finds my entrance without guidance this time, and my heart’s pounding so hard I feel lightheaded.

“You want me to fuck you?” he breathes into my ear, finishing the question by taking the tender lobe between his teeth and biting down viciously.

“Yes, Master!” I cry, forgetting I’m supposed to be quiet.

His strong hand travels up my body, tugging mercilessly on the chains attached to my neck and nipple clamps, and I scream at the sharp pain that makes my pussy twitch against his cockhead. Then, to my utter horror, Ilya’s fingers wrap around my throat.

He squeezes, his fingertips pressing into the soft flesh until I can feel my pulse pounding with the effort to reach my brain. My vision dims, and panic starts to set in at the sensation of being choked for the first time in my life. At the same time, Ilya shoves inside me, his cock stretching me wide, filling me almost painfully as he penetrates me deeply. The air leaves my lungs with a silent grunt, and tears sting my eyes from the overwhelming cocktail of agonizing pleasure.

He’s gripping my throat hard enough that I can’t make a sound, and yet, I find that I can still breathe with a little effort. But the circulation is being cut off to my head, and that worries me. With him being part of a Bratva, he might enjoy getting violent with me, and I don’t know how far that might go.Would he kill me?If I died, I’m sure he could dispose of my body, and no one would ever know.

Air hisses between Ilya’s teeth, and his cock throbs inside me, pressing against my tight walls as he pauses for only a moment. Then he starts to fuck me. Hard.

There’s no gentleness to the way he handles me tonight. No patience or consideration. He’s using my body, pounding into me with animalistic desire, showing me just howhelikes it. And fuck but I like it too. Even as tears of pain trickle over my temples and the fear of dying flashes in my mind, the feel of his cock driving inside me, hitting that special spot that makes me go wild, his hips slamming against my clit and demanding my pleasure–it sends me spiraling into a deep well of ecstasy.

I can feel him nearing release as his movement grows more erratic, his thrusts more forceful still, and that’s all it takes to launch me into a third orgasm. My lips part as I scream silently, his strong hand trapping the noise in my throat, and at my moment of release, Ilya shoves deep inside me, his cock throbbing in sync with my own pulsing orgasm.

Shuddering forcefully beneath his heavy figure, I struggle to wrap my mind around how intoxicating it feels to be choked during an orgasm. The intensity of pleasure is exponentially better than my previous experiences, and just as I feel I might black out from the overwhelming euphoria, Ilya releases his grip.

I gasp, sucking in lungfuls of air as the blood washes back into my brain, heightening my pleasure further. Fucking Christ, this man knows exactly how to touch me, to make me feel the utmost satisfaction. Again and again, my walls clamp down around his hard cock, begging more from him long after his own release has finished.

Ilya’s hand that had choked me so expertly shifts to gently comb my hair away from my sweaty brow as his eyes study my face. “That is how you fuck silently, my pet,” he rasps, a smile tugging at his lips.

“Holy fuck,” I breathe in response, unable to maintain my demure persona when I feel like my entire body has turned to Jell-O.

He releases a low chuckle that vibrates through my chest. Then he rolls off of me, withdrawing from my pussy in one smooth move and leaving me feeling impossibly empty. I close my eyes, swallowing hard as I try to wrap my mind around what just happened.

Like the night before, Ilya removes his condom and pulls on his boxers before releasing me from my bonds, and I sit up slowly, slightly concerned I might faint if I take it too fast. Rubbing the circulation back into my wrists, I watch Ilya with interest as he finishes dressing, buttoning his jeans before pulling his T-shirt back over his head and covering his sexy tattoos once more.

Once I’m sure I can stand on my own two feet, I dress too, pulling on my skirt and panties, stepping into my boots, and clasping my bra. Picking up my shredded crop top, I wonder whether or not it’s worth it to even put it on. It’ll hardly cover anything in its decimated state.

Ilya chuckles and steps over to a wardrobe I only now notice. Inside are several articles of clothing, and he pulls a revealing shirt from its hanger before handing it to me. It’ll certainly be better than nothing, and I offer him a grateful smile before pulling it on. The low-cut top barely covers my bra, but it covers my stomach and back well enough.

Wordlessly, Ilya places his hand on the small of my back and guides me from the room. His car is waiting for him as we exit the club, and we silently climb inside. I don’t know what to say now, where to go from here. My time is up, I’m sure. I have to decide whether I’m going to accept Ilya’s deal or walk out of his life–if he’ll let me. But the thought of ending this here, tonight, makes my stomach twist uncomfortably.

Ilya remains silent for the entire drive back to my apartment, seemingly content to let me think in peace. And I wonder if that’s his intent or if he simply doesn’t mind the quiet. Only after he pulls up to the curb and puts his car in park, does Ilya turn to face me, his gaze inscrutable.

“Well,moya feya?” he asks, his tone exceedingly casual. “Will you be mine?”

Heart pounding in my chest, I lick my dry lips and fight the urge to bite my nails. The same debate still rages inside of me.Can I sell my body in exchange for an education? How horrible is it to sleep with an older man–a criminal nonetheless, who I’m sure is responsible for unspeakable atrocities? And if I don’t accept his offer, can I live with the consequences?I don’t know. In all honesty, even with every scrap of information Ilya has offered me over the last two days, despite how open and transparent he’s been, I can’t make sense of what’s right or wrong, what I should do versus what I’m going to do.
