Page 40 of Pretty Little Toy

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“Anya,” she says, a grateful smile spreading across her face as she takes my hand.

Poor girl.She’s definitely feeling like an outcast from how eagerly she’s willing to accept my friendship. “Are you a transfer student then?”

She nods. “How did you…?”

“No one gets into Professor Moriari’s class as a freshman, and as a dance major, I know pretty much all the upperclassmen in my degree.”

Paige’s bleach-blond hair catches my attention, and I turn to wave at her as she leads the twins into the classroom. Paige smiles broadly and waves before the trio comes to join us in the back row.

“Girls, this is Anya. She’s a transfer student,” I say as soon as they arrive. “Anya, this is Paige, Tori, and Tammy. If you couldn’t guess by looking at them, Tori and Tammy are twins.”

“Nice to meet you,” Anya says.

“Hey, you’re the girl who Professor Moriari actually complimented today, aren’t you?” Paige asks, a hint of envy tinging her tone.

Anya nods as a light blush colors her cheeks.

“Yeah, how’d you manage that on our first day?” Logan asks, butting into our conversation. “Did you suck his cock or something in exchange for a good grade?”

“Logan!” I scold.How can that boy manage to be offensive every single time he opens his stupid mouth?I want to strangle him for taking a shot at Anya when she’s so clearly feeling out of place as it is. Not to mention, it makes me think of how I’m sucking Ilya’s cock just to go to Rosehill.What if that’s how Anya’s paying her way too?It’s certainly not unheard of at this school. Case and point–me.

“It was a joke!” he says defensively. “Mostly anyway… He just doesn’t go around saying nice things to students. I can’t help it if I’m a little jealous.”

“Well, you don’t have to be a dick about it,” I snap, irritated that he’s even trying to excuse his behavior.

Logan puts a hand on Anya’s shoulder, looking acceptably contrite. “I’m sorry. I was just teasing. I’m sure it’s because you’re an incredible dancer.”

“Thanks,” Anya murmurs, her face still bright red.

“So, you’re aiming to become a ballerina?” Paige asks casually, twirling her high ponytail.

Anya nods. “Is that what you all are here for?”

“The boys are,” I point to Logan and Fin. “As are Paige and I.”

“We’re here for contemporary dance,” Tammy adds.

Tori snorts. “Yeah, no way could we possibly compete with you girls when it comes to ballet. We’re not ‘cut out’ for it,” she explains, using air quotes to emphasize her words.

“They’re too short,” I stage whisper behind the back of my hand, pretending not to see the glares they direct my way.

“And you all have been in this program since freshman year?” Anya asks.

We all nod.

“It must be nice having a tight-knit group that’s all heading in the same direction,” she says, a hint of sadness in her tone that makes me want to take her under my wing now more than ever.

“Yeah, we’re basically the cool kids. Stick with us, and you’ll be just fine,” Paige says, and suddenly, I’m grateful for her, despite how plastic she can sound sometimes.

“Speaking of cool kids, we were just talking about hitting up one of the local clubs this weekend. Called Danza. You want to come?” Tori offers, leaning forward in her seat.

“Oh, um…” Anya hesitates.

“Yeah, come with us,” I insist, hoping we can help her break out of her shell. If anyone can make a poor girl like me or Anya feel welcome, it’s the twins. “It’s where all the Rosehill students go to party. You don’t have to be twenty-one or anything.”

“Fin and I are in,” Logan says, leaning forward to join the conversation as he gestures behind him to his friend.

I roll my eyes.
