Page 103 of Pretty Little Game

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“Bianka?” I ask as a thought strikes me.

“Hmm?” she hums, shifting to look up at me through her thick lashes.

“Now that you know just how depraved my father is, are you really sure you want to marry me? I’m just concerned that it’s too soon. We’ve only just found each other, really, and I could understand if you want out. ”

The words taste like poison as they pass through my lips. But I need to say them, to make sure that Bianka really, truly wants this. Because I don’t want to make her feel trapped in any way. All I want is for her to be happy–even if that’s without me.

Swallowing hard, I press on, fully fleshing out the possibility in case that’s what she needs to hear to be sure turning me down won’t hurt her or her family. “I can talk to Nicolo, and with his help, I’m sure we could find a way to convince my father that it’s not a good match. It would mean I would truly have to stop seeing you, but I’ll do it if that’s what you want.”

I probably should have thought to say it before we had sex. That would have been the right thing, but I wasn’t thinking clearly enough to come up with the possibility until after fully coming to the realization that she’s promised herself to me. Permanently.

“Cassio.” Bianka’s eyebrows press together with concern. “You’re what makes me happy. Yes, your father is certifiably insane, but I can’t stand the thought of leaving you behind because of it. I love you, and while it might be a bit soon by society’s standards, I’ve never felt for anyone the way I feel for you. I have faith in us.”

Her words soothe my anxious nerves, washing through me like a magical balm as they bring me peace once again.

Shifting in my arms, Bianka brings her hands to rest over my heart so she can prop her chin on my chest. “That being said,” she adds in a more playful tone, “I’m grateful Ilya pushed the engagement back to the end of graduation just so the world won’t think you knocked me up.”

She flashes me a cheeky smile, making me laugh.

“I wouldn’t mind practicing for that eventuality in the meantime,” I tease, rolling on top of her once again.



“How’d it go?” Cassio asks, waiting for me beside his car at the front entrance to Chicago’s Auditorium Theater, home to the stage where I’ve always wanted to perform.

I shrug, worrying my lip anxiously. “I was so nervous. I couldn’t gauge what they thought of me. I feel like I’ve just been a mess since graduation. Performing in front of people never bothered me before–even when I was auditioning for the main roles. But now I’m in the big leagues, and I can’t help feeling like I’m choking.”

Wrapping me in his arms, Cassio kisses me warmly. “I’m sure you were brilliant,” he reassures me. “Come on. I want to take you to dinner, regardless. It’s your first major audition. And that’s worth celebrating.”

“That sounds nice,” I agree and slip into the passenger seat of his olive-green Aston Martin.

He closes the door behind me and slips behind the wheel, unbuttoning the jacket of his sleek Italian suit. He’s dressed as dashingly as always, something I’ve loved about Cass from the very beginning. He meets my love of fashion effortlessly.

“Where to?” I ask lightly, fully expecting one of his evasive answers.

“I was thinking Alinea,” he says, catching me completely by surprise.

“Mmm. You spoil me,” I gush. It’s one of the only three-star Michelin restaurants in Chicago and probably my favorite place to eat. Thankfully, I’m already dressed in a mint-green Jackie O sheath dress by Prada. The classy outfit worked for my audition but will also fit in nicely with the restaurant’s upscale atmosphere.

We reach the restaurant in no time, Cassio pulling up and offering the valet his car key before escorting me inside with a hand resting lightly on the small of my back. I have to admit, it’s been really nice the last six months actually getting to date him–in public, with no one questioning us.

Betrothal or not, I love being with Cassio. I find it all too easy to forget about the contract obligating me to follow through. Because, in truth, I would be happy to marry him in a heartbeat, just elope to the courthouse and make it official some unassuming summer afternoon.

But Cassio’s father has insisted on a big wedding, one that Whitney and Ellie have promised to help me put together, though I haven’t even begun planning yet. Still, if that’s what it takes for me to be with Cassio, I’ll do it. Because every day, he makes my life fuller, more wonderful, and everything I could have ever hoped or dreamed of.

Now all I have to do is land an acting job. And just a few short weeks out of college, I find earning a spot for an audition nearly as daunting as anything. Don Lorenzo’s been more than willing tohelp me alongin that regard. But I want to make it happen on my own merit, and another thing I love about Cassio is that I know I have his full support.

Cassio gives our name at the reception desk, and we’re led to a table in the center of the restaurant’s back room. The area is surprisingly quiet despite being somewhat early on in the evening. Normally, this place is booked solid from open to close.

“I ordered a bottle of champagne to be delivered to our table when I made the reservation,” Cassio says as soon as we sit down, the host tucking my chair in for me.

“Very good, Mr. Marchetti.” The host gives a polite bow, bending slightly at the hips, then he leaves us.

Left alone in the quiet room, with soft music playing from the hidden speakers, Cassio places his hands on the table, palms up. I smile at his silent request, placing my hands in his. Our fingers hook, then interlace as he plays with them slowly.

“You know, since the first time I laid eyes on you in freshman year, I knew you were something special,” he says, his eyes following our hands as humor dances across his lips.
