Page 28 of Pretty Little Game

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On my way down the hall, I scope the different doors and classrooms, hoping I can find one to pull Bianka into for a few stolen moments before class starts. When I find a costume closet just down the hall, near the drinking fountain, I linger, grabbing a drink of water and lounging against the wall as I mindlessly scroll my phone.

I spot Bianka’s shorter, petite frame a few minutes later, my eyes finding her easily as her laughter fills the hall. She and Ellie are linked arm in arm as they make their way to class. I smile at the light, bubbly sound.

Then Bianka’s gaze flicks to mine, as if she sensed me watching her. I jerk my chin toward the drinking fountain and hear Bianka excuse herself to get some water before class. She passes close to me without meeting my eyes, and I snag her wrist. Moving quickly, I jerk open the costume closet door and pull Bianka inside.

She giggles and smothers the sound by covering her lips with her hand as I close the door behind us.

“What are you doing?” she whispers.

“What I’ve been dying to do all day.” Stepping close to her, I comb my fingers into Bianka’s thick curls and pull her to me.

Electric excitement crackles through my veins as our lips meet, and my arm snakes around her waist as I kiss her passionately. Bianka responds eagerly, her arms linking around my neck as she rises onto her toes.

I groan at the delicious flavor of her strawberry lips and intensify the kiss, all my restraint from running lines with her crumbling as I finally reap my reward. My fingers find the soft skin of her back, exposed since her cropped sweater lifts with her arms.

A ripple of goosebumps rises beneath my palm as it glides across her flesh, and I relish her response to my touch. I want to explore every inch of her, find what excites her, what she likes, but we don’t have that kind of time.

This is supposed to be a quick moment of privacy to tide us over. Still, I can’t bring myself to draw back until we’re both gasping for breath.

“God, I want more of this,” I moan, resting my forehead against Bianka’s.

“Well, if you keep performing so well, we might be stuck running lines together outside of class,” she hints, as if she’s plucked my plan right out of my head.

“If that’s what it takes to spend time with you, I’ll make sure I get the lead role,” I insist.

“You won’t be able to use daddy’s connections to make it happen,” she teases, her fingers tracing a tantalizing line up and down the back of my neck as I hold her close.

“I don’t need my father for anything. I can get what I want with my own determination and skill,” I say adamantly.

It’s something I dare to hope is true in all aspects of my life. I don’t want to depend on that man for anything, though I know it’s my family name that got me into exactly the classes I wanted this semester. Still, my father never needed to know that, and from here on out, I plan on forging my own success.

“I have faith in you,” Bianka says, the sincerity in her eyes warming my heart.

“I’m just glad we’re not doing a musical because my voice isn’t nearly as good as yours,” I add.

Bianka chuckles, the sound sending tingles through me. “We need to go to class,” she says reluctantly.

I nod against her forehead and take a deep, fortifying breath of her fresh scent. Then I pull away. “You go. I’ll wait a few minutes to avoid suspicion.”

Rising onto her toes, Bianka plants a quick kiss on my lips. Then she’s gone, slipping from the room and leaving me alone in the dim light. I groan, leaning back against the empty wall and letting my head fall back as I try to get my body under control.

That girl drives me wild, and I hate all the secrecy this requires when all I want to do is be with her. But I have to admit, it was fun sneaking her into a small room for a hot makeout session.



Pinning me against the door of the girl’s bathroom, Cassio ensures no one will walk in on us as he captures my lips in a fiery kiss. Though I know we only have ten minutes to get from the English building to the theater building for our second class of the day, I can’t bring myself to care.

I hum appreciatively at the feel of his strong body pressed against mine, his gaze burning into my own. “This is thegirls’bathroom,” I tease quietly, raising an eyebrow at him.

“Good thing I followed agirlin here then, isn’t it?” he jokes lightly.

“You’re incorrigible,” I scold, but fuck do I love the way he runs his knuckles across my cheek.

Then his lips are on mine once more. Breathing heavily, I comb my fingers through his soft locks as I deepen the kiss. Cassio’s hands shift to encircle my waist. He moans as his long fingers find the flesh beneath my shirt and slowly move up my body, exploring me inside the soft fabric. I shiver at his touch that seems to be growing bolder by the day.

I just can’t get enough of him, the way hefeelsme. It sets me on fire. His fingers hesitate just at the wire of my bra, pausing as if he’s debating whether to press further, and the anticipationkillsme. All I want is for him to touch me, claim me, bring every inch of me to life.
