Page 4 of Pretty Little Game

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“Shit.” I glance at the designer-brand clothes piled high on my bed, scoop them up in my arms, and toss them unceremoniously onto the floor of my closet before closing the door on my mess. I can deal with it later. “Coming!” I call as I rush toward the door of my apartment. It’s probably Ellie coming early, which is good. I haven’t set up food or drinks yet.

But when I yank open the door, I’m met by two bright pairs of hazel eyes smiling down at me.

“Hey,” I say breathlessly as my heart skips a beat. “Luc, Cass, come on in.” I step back, waving them inside.

I take a moment to admire their fine button-down shirts–Lucca’s a mint green, Cassio’s a wine red–tucked nicely into their tailored slacks and their Italian leather belts and shoes. Even dressed for a movie night, they look classy and stylish.

I love the fact that they are sharp with fashion, seeing as it has become an almost-obsessive passion of mine. If I weren’t so dead set on becoming a Broadway star, I could very easily see myself getting into high-end clothing design.

“Sorry. I know we’re a bit early. But we brought champagne,” Cassio says, showcasing their bubbly offering as if he were in an ad.

“Oh, wonderful. I was just going to, um, get some snacks together if you want to bring it to the kitchen.”

I lead the way through the living room and dining area to the kitchen, and the twins follow me. Lucca settles comfortably onto one of my bar stools as Cassio heads to the counter, setting the champagne bottle down as he goes in search of glasses.

“Ellie should be here any minute,” I promise as I open the fridge and start digging around for my cheese and fruit and cured meat to make a charcuterie board. I have the ingredients to make a simple pasta dish later.

“Oh, OJ,” Cassio exclaims, leaning in beside me to check the contents of my fridge and making my pulse quicken. “You up for mimosas?” he suggests, his eyes meeting mine as my breath catches in my throat.

Get ahold of yourself, Bianka,scolding myself as I straighten quickly. Only I forget to withdraw from the fridge first, and my head thumps solidly against the top.

“Ooh,” both twins react simultaneously, their faces cringing sympathetically as I drop the cheese to grip the back of my head.

“Ouch,” I mutter, a blush warming my cheeks as Cassio stoops to retrieve the cheese. “Yes, mimosas sound great,” I add quickly, trying to brush it off, though my eyes tear with pain.

“You alright?” Cassio asks, following me to the counter with the dropped gouda.

“Oh, totally fine.” I wave him off as I bend down for a cutting board, avoiding his eyes.

His tall frame moves away from me a moment later as he opens the fridge and retrieves the orange juice. I keep my eyes focused on the cheese I’m slicing and arranging on the board, but when the loud cork pops and echoes through the kitchen, I jump, nearly cutting myself.

Thankfully, Cassio and Lucca don't seem to notice. My nerves ease some with the sound of the bubbly liquid pouring into my delicate champagne flutes.

One of the perks of being a Marchetti–though none of us are twenty-one yet–they have no trouble getting alcohol, with or without a fake ID. And while I might have the same privileges in my brother’s territory south of here, I know I have to be more careful up here. So I ask my brother’s captain Artem for a few bottles of wine every now and again, but I don’t press my luck. Ilya’s made it perfectly clear I’m to behave myself in Marchetti territory. But that won’t stop me from having a little fun at home sometimes.

Lucca strikes up light conversation as we move from the kitchen back into my living area and settle onto the gray modern-style couches surrounding the glass coffee table. He asks questions about Ellie, what she’s like, and how long I’ve known her.

As I slide the charcuterie board onto the coffee table, I glance at him out of the corner of my eye. I haven’t gone as far as to indicate that she’s interested in meeting him or that this is anything more than a casual movie night, since I didn’t want Cassio to feel like I was trying to make this a double date or anything.

But when my gaze flicks from Lucca to his more silent brother, I find mild amusement dancing across Cassio’s lips as he watches his twin. Like he’s aware of some underlying motivation or understanding in Lucca’s line of questioning.

It couldn’t be that Lucca’s already decided this is a double date, could it? That Cassio has told his brother he’s interested in me, and therefore, Lucca knows he’s being matched with my friend?My heart skips a beat at the thought, but I push it aside. This might be a setup for Lucca and Ellie, but I need to keep my cool. Desperate is not a pretty look on anyone. Definitely not me.

“So, have you girls already picked out what movie we’re watching tonight?” Cassio asks as he leans casually back against the couch cushions. “Because if not, I would highly recommendMars Attacks!It’s a brilliant piece of classic filmography,” he says, shifting into a professorial tone.

“Oh?” My lips twitch with an oncoming smile. I can only imagine how brilliant it must be with a name like that.

“Abrilliant piece of classic filmography,” Lucca counters dubiously. “I don’t think anyone can agree with that assessment, what with all the green brains exploding and those creepy bug-eyed aliens–”

“How dare you look down on Tim Burton’s work of pure art,” Cassio scoffs dramatically.

I can’t help but laugh, the mirth bubbling up in me in giddy waves.

A knock sounds on the front door, halting our conversation, and I set my mimosa down to stand up.

“That must be Ellie,” I say, making my way toward the door.

But once again, as I open it, I’m startled by the looming figure on the other side. My heart stutters uncomfortably as I look up into my brother’s strong face and dark eyes. And while I’m suddenly self-conscious about my house guests, I can’t help but grin as my chest floods with warmth. “Ilya! What a surprise!” I say, stepping out into the hall and throwing my arms around his neck.
