Page 87 of Pretty Little Game

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His arms wrap around my hips, pulling me close to his chest as he nestles his chin between my breasts. “Will you still love me now that I’m deformed?” His tone is playful, but his eyes are heart-wrenchingly vulnerable.

Still, I can’t help but laugh as I lightly brush his damp hair back from his face. “A cut is hardly a deformity,” I assure him. Then I grow more serious, answering him honestly. “But I will always love you, Cassio Marchetti. Besides,” I add, “this will always remind me how brave you were to save me.”

Cassio hums appreciatively. “On the bright side,” he lilts, “You’ll be able to tell the difference between Lucca and me without any trouble now.”

“Oh please,” I counter. “That’s never been a problem. If you recall, I believe you won a hundred dollars off Lucca for doubting my ability in that regard.”

A deep chuckle rumbles from Cassio’s chest as his hands massage my thighs appreciatively. “He was so disappointed about not being able to fool you in class that day.”

I giggle as my stomach does a somersault in response to his hands on my bare legs. I lean down, kissing him passionately to show him just how much I love him, and he moans longingly.

Pulse pounding with exhilaration, I carefully climb onto his lap, straddling his legs. Cassio pulls me greedily closer, leaning forward as he presses me adamantly against his hips. Every drop of exhaustion evaporates from my veins as I feel his cock stiffening beneath his towel.

“I love you, Cassio,” I breathe against his lips.

“I love you, Bianka,” he rasps, his fingers loosening my towel.

It falls away, leaving my breasts exposed, my nipples puckering with the combination of arousal and sudden exposure to the cold. His hands travel slowly up the curves of my body, exploring my skin as if every inch were new and exciting.

Gasping with need, I lean forward, pressing him gently back onto the bed until he’s lying on top of the covers. With every kiss, I find a new abused inch of flesh as I worship all the pain and suffering he’s endured to protect me.

His chest rises and falls powerfully, his muscles bunching beneath his discolored skin as I make my way down his body. When I reach the top of his towel, I work my fingers beneath the fabric and open it as if unwrapping a present on Christmas morning.

I release an elated gasp as his cock springs free. I can hardly comprehend how he can be so ready for me after the day we had, but I want it hungrily. Gripping the base of his impressive erection, I ease my lips over his silken tip, taking him into my mouth and shivering with delight at the soft moan he releases.

“Fuuuck,” he murmurs as his fingers find my hair and gently tangle in the curls.

I work him eagerly in and out of my mouth, starting slow and gradually picking up the pace until I find a rhythm that feels both intensely satisfying and sounds like he feels is just right.

“Bianka,” he groans after several minutes, his grip tightening in my hair until I stop. “If you keep that up, I’m going to come before we get to the best part.”

I smile coyly, loving that I could make him feel so good with just my mouth alone. And at the same time, hearing that the best part to him is being inside me sends a thrill through my core. Slowly, with a sensual smile, I rise from my crouch and crawl past Cassio, my hips swaying as I make my way to the middle of the bed.

His eyes follow me, intense desire flickering in their greenish depths. When I reach the pillows, long devoid of all my childish decor, I stretch out across the blankets and stroke the sheets enticingly, beckoning him to join me.

Rolling tenderly away from his broken ribs, Cassio follows. And when he reaches me, I gently press against his shoulder until he’s lying back once more.

“You let me do the heavy lifting tonight,” I suggest playfully, easing on top of him so as to avoid aggravating his injuries. However, he doesn’t seem to care.

He growls playfully, his abs crunching as he lifts off the mattress to capture my lips in a scintillating kiss. His fingers find the nape of my neck as he pulls me down to him, and I greedily oblige. His groan rumbles through my chest, and my nipples pucker in response, a ripple of goosebumps washing over my flesh.

His hard cock twitches between us, telling me he’s more than ready, and I reach between us to grasp it firmly, stroking it several times.

“Fuck, woman,” he groans, one hand finding my ass and giving it a firm squeeze.

“You want me?” I ask teasingly, and he gives my ample backside a playful slap in response.

I squeal, a giggle bubbling from me on the coattails of my girly noise.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” I murmur, guiding his silken cockhead toward my entrance.

His tip is already beaded with precum that makes my clit throb. I slide it between my folds, relishing the sensation as I mingle the natural lube of our excitement. Cassio’s fingers grip my hip reflexively, the strong digits pressing into my soft flesh and making my pussy clench with anticipation.

I can’t wait any longer. As fun as it is to tease him, I desperately need him inside me. Lining him up with my entrance, I slowly ease down onto his impressive length. Cassio groans against my lips at the same time as I gasp breathily.

I sink down onto his considerable girth, not stopping until he’s buried deep inside me. To avoid disrupting his ribs, I ease up to a seated position and comb my hair back from my face.

“Mmm,” Cassio hums appreciatively, reaching up to cup my breasts and tease the hard nubs of my nipples with the pads of his thumbs.
