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“Nico, stop,” I command. He’s only working himself up, and I still haven’t gotten anything from him that will help me save Pyotr.

“I’m hanging up now,” my brother says cooly.

“No, wait–”

But he’s already gone.

A sob bursts past my lips as I dial my brother again. But this time, I’m sent straight to voicemail. He must have turned off his phone.

Now, what do I do?

Fighting my wave of panic, I try to think through a way to find my brothers. I don’t dare tell my father. While hemighthelp me rein Nico in, he might also stop me from doing anything if he knows about what’s going on. From the way Father treated the Matron and Pyotr on the last night they came over for dinner, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s had enough of them. So I can’t risk it.

Stepping from my bedroom, I rush down the stairs. I could go to Nicolo’s house, but I already know he’s not there, and Anya would have told me if she knew anything. Perhaps Nico’s bodyguards would be there. Then again, they might be helping him torture Pyotr.

The haunting sound of his scream fills my mind. Nico’s not messing around, which means, if I don’t think of something to do, and fast, Pyotr very well might die tonight.

I can’t lose him.

My hand goes instinctually to my belly as I think about all I still need to say to him.

Biting my lip to keep my tears at bay, I stride through the house, searching for any of the men under Nico’s command. Maybe I should try the club. Danza’s where my brother does a good amount of business when he’s not dealing directly with my father. That’s what Anya told me once.

I’m jumping into the back seat of my car a moment later, barking a destination at my driver. Lonnie only hesitates slightly when I tell him the destination. But when I tell him it’s an important matter concerning Nico, he steps on it. Picking up on my urgency, he races me across town.

I’ve seen the club before but never been inside, and as soon as we pull up to the curb at the entrance, I realize I have no clue where to go from here. Neither my father nor my brothers have ever invited me into this area of their world. I don’t even know where to begin looking.

Still, I clamber out, scanning the street front for anyone I might know.

“Can I help you?” a burly bouncer asks, stepping in front of me as I skip the line of clubbers already lined up around the block.

I stop short and glare up at the muscular Italian. “Yeah, I’m Silvia Marchetti, and I’m looking for my brother’s bodyguards, Sep and Rocco. Are either of them here tonight?” I demand, adopting my most imperious tone.

The bouncer gives me a quick once over, and when his eyes land on my face once more, they widen in recognition. “Uh, yeah. They’re here.”

“Good. Take me to them,” I command.

The guy hesitates, glancing over at his partner, monitoring the front of the line. The guy shrugs, seeming at a loss for how to handle me. I’m sure that’s a first.

“No need, Miss Silvia,” a deep voice booms from the shadows of the alleyway just to my left. Rocco steps into the light, a cigarette pinched between his fingers.

Sep follows, equally as brawny and intimidating–or at least, they would be intimidating if I didn’t consider them practically family. They’re the men who would lay down their lives for my brother without a second thought. Their loyalty to him is absolute, and I have nothing but a deep, resounding appreciation for both of them.

“Nico, where is he?” I ask, stepping away from Danza’s front door and dropping my voice to make the discussion private.

Rocco and Sep share a look, and Sep’s eyebrow raises in silent question before he and Rocco turn back to me.

“We can’t tell you that,” Sep says calmly, his expression even but thoughtful.

“Why not?” I demand, my anxiety spiking as I fear I’ve hit another dead end–or rather, a brick wall.

Rocco shrugs. “Your brother told us not to tell a soul.”

“I’m his sister, and Ineedto know where he went,” I press. I don’t have time for this.Pyotrdoesn’t have time for this. God only knows what they’ve had time to do to him by now.

“Sorry, Miss Silvia. Orders are orders, and I take them from Nicolo. Not you,” Sep says.

“Grrr!” I scream, combing my fingers into my hair and gripping two handfuls.
