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My eyes flash toward the head of the table, noting that he’s been quieter tonight than usual. He looks thoughtful, and I wonder what that could possibly mean.

I’m sure it’s not about the baby. Since Pyotr and I got married on December 29th, my father has calmed down about the accidental pregnancy considerably. In fact, he’s pretty much gone back to ignoring me.

And now that I live with Pyotr, I find that I actually prefer life just as it is.

Turning my attention to my husband, I slip my hand into his, interlacing our fingers. He raises my hand to his lips, kissing the back of my palm and sending giddy butterflies rippling through my tummy. A residual flutter that has nothing to do with my feelings for Pyotr tells me the baby’s moving, and I stroke my belly lightly, relishing the sensation.

“Is she moving–or he?” Whitney asks beside me, her kohl-lined eyes glinting excitedly.

“Yeah. You want to feel?” I offer.

“Hell yeah.”

I set her palm on my belly, where I felt the hint of a flutter before, and everyone grows quiet as Whitney’s eyes become distant in her concentration.

Then she gasps. “Oh my gosh, was that it?” Her voice fills with wonder.

“Yep.” I flash a smile.

“I still can’t believe you’re going to be a mom,” Lucca says, shaking his head.

“Oh, please. Silvia’s already been acting like a mom for years just trying to keep you in line,” Cassio ribs.

Laughter bubbles up around the table.

It did feel a bit strange at first to be married and pregnant before either Cassio or Lucca. They’re several years older than I am and just graduated from Rosehill last year. Then again, they stuck with the more conventional path of getting to know the girls they dated before they got engaged. My relationship is the one in the fast lane.

“Have you told them?” Pyotr asks quietly after the laughter fades. His gray eyes flash with excitement.

“Told us what?” Nico asks, his eyes watchful.

I know what that look means. He’s been worried lately that since Pyotr and I got married already, Pyotr will want to whisk me away to New York before we graduate. I think Nico’s hoping he might get to keep me around for a few more years. And in truth, that’s what I want too. But that’s not what Pyotr’s question was about.

“Are you pregnant?” Cassio asks in mock disbelief.

“Stop!” I scold him, throwing my napkin at his face, though I can’t stop giggling.

“Come on. You know I’m just teasing.” He tosses my napkin gently back to me.

Bianka slaps Cassio’s arm lightly. “You better stop joking about that kind of stuff, or it might come back to haunt you.”

Cassio’s swift response is to kiss his fiancée.

“All joking aside, I do actually have some exciting news,” I confess.

All eyes turn to me in silent expectation.

“You know that charcoal drawing I made for my final project last semester? I ended up submitting it into an art competition….” I explain, nervous excitement bubbling up inside me.

“And?” Anya presses, her blue eyes brilliant with anticipation.

“I won a spot in the studio’s upcoming showcase!” I squeal excitedly.

“That’s amazing!” the twins’ fiancées gush simultaneously, shortly followed by Cassio’s and Lucca’s congratulations.

Anya beams at me, warm pride in her gaze.

“You deserve it, Scout,” Nico says softly, and the emotion in his eyes warms me deeply. “That drawing is a masterpiece.”
