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Then he leans ever so slowly in.

His warm, soft lips find mine, and my eyes flutter closed. Ripples of intense anticipation wash through me. Heat burns through my veins.

This kiss is just as intense and impactful as our first one, leaving me weak at the knees in an instant. Pyotr closes the distance between us, his strong arm wrapping around my waist as his free hand presses against the small of my back.

He holds me close, supporting me, protecting me. The embrace is shockingly tender. And yet, as his tongue traces along my bottom lip, his kiss grows sinfully delicious. I lean into him, my hands flat on his chest. His heart hammers a strong, steady rhythm beneath my palm.

Nothing like the erratic patter of my own heartbeat.

I’m dangerously close to losing sight of my objectivity. Consumed by intense hunger, I don’t question it when his lips part mine and his tongue strokes into my mouth. Wet heat pools at the peak of my thighs. An involuntary moan rises from my throat as his tongue finds mine.

And as his arm tightens around my waist, his other hand combing back into my hair to cradle my head, I kiss him right back.

My skin crackles with newfound energy, making me bold, and I arch my back into him, snaking my arms around his neck. His body curves to mine, holding me tight against every hard, muscular inch of him.

And all I can think is,Dear god, if this is a dream, please don’t let me wake up.



As we board the family jet bright and early the next morning, I can’t stop thinking about the kiss I stole last night. It kept me up late into the night. Thinking about the intensely electrical connection between Silvia and me.

I couldn’t get enough of her. Something I wouldn’t have anticipated in my wildest dreams. And now, I’m more confused than ever.

“You’re going to love Upstate New York, Silvia,” my sister gushes from her seat across from my betrothed.

“It’s your family estate?” Silvia asks.

“Yep,” Mila says, smiling proudly.

Silvia’s face grows thoughtful, and I would love to pluck what’s on her mind straight from her head.Is she thinking about the gunfight that took place less than a year ago between her brothers and their Shulaya allies against my family?All the damage has been repaired and the mess cleaned, so the house is, once again, in pristine condition.

Or is it something else entirely that’s on her mind?

Mine flashes automatically back to our kiss once again, refusing to let go of the damn near intoxicating moment between us. But I need to keep my head on straight. As much as I find that I like kissing Silvia, that’s not what this weekend is about. My mother has made that very clear.

Fortunately, Silvia seems a far more forgiving person than I had given her credit for. The tension between us has all but dissolved, which means at least I won’t have to take her virginity by force. Still, knowing that’s my intention for getting closer to her puts a knot of guilt in my stomach.

“Pyotr?” Silvia’s fingers grip mine on the armrest next to her, bringing me back to the present. “Are you alright?”

“Hmm? Yes, I’m fine. Why?” I must have missed something.

“I just asked if you planned to show Silvia around the grounds or if I could,” Mila cuts in.

I can feel my mother’s intent gaze boring a hole in the side of my head.

“Actually, I was going to take her around.” I turn to Silvia. “I was thinking we might ride around the property. I figured your feet must be pretty tired after yesterday.”

“Ride as in…?” Her hazel eyes widen in worried expectation.

“As in horses,” I clarify with a smirk.

Mila perks up. “Oh, can I come?”

“No,” I say bluntly, shutting her down.

My sister slumps back in her chair, pouting out her lip as she crosses her arms over her chest.
