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When he reaches the door, he turns back and orders me, “Lock this back immediately.”

It’s like I'm in a trance. I immediately move to obey him.

He nods at me in approval, his eyes blazing down into mine through the glass one last time before he turns and strides over to a waiting vehicle. He gets in the backseat, and I watch in a daze as the darkened vehicle pulls away from the curb, my mind still reeling.

What the hell was that?



Incompetent.Every fucking one of them. I swear to God, I’m going to fire every last man working in this warehouse.

“How the hell did Doyle’s men get past our guys?”

The moron on the other end of the line sputters as he tries to come up with an excuse.

“Never mind!” I snap at him. “Just contain it for fuck’s sake.”

I grip the phone in my hand so tightly I hear the case crack. I was interrupted with my little Gracie forthis. This fucking territorial bullshit. Doyle better hope I never get my hands on him because I’ll wring his fucking neck for all the aggravation he’s caused me.

The head of the Irish mafia has been a pain in our asses for as long as I can remember, but he’s gotten cocky lately. Now he’s encroaching on our territory, and my father is so livid about it, I’m surprised he hasn’t given himself a heart attack over it. Just the mention of Conner Doyle’s name is enough to raise his blood pressure so high that his face turns red as a beet.

The Irishman is our biggest enemy, and he’s getting bolder, but he’s slipperier than an oiled snake. He’s always just out of our reach. To make matters worse, he has no family to speak of—no wife or children—so no weaknesses to exploit to draw him out.

No, he sits protected behind a wall of security and keeps sending his lowest men to antagonize us.

But he’s going to slip up one day, and when he does, I’ll be there. And I’m going to make him pay double for interrupting me when I finally got to meet my littletesoroin the flesh.

I feel my skin vibrate just thinking about her. Maybe it was premature for me to show myself to her now, but I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to touch her, be near her, smell her. Her sweet berry scent still fills my nostrils, and I can still feel how petal soft her skin felt beneath my fingertips. Her lips were so pink, soripe.

Ineedto taste her.

Soon, I promise myself. Soon, she’ll be completelymine.

* * *

It's killing me not being able to be near my little Gracie. Everything's ready to go on my end, except for fucking Doyle raising hell and starting a war. As much as I'm dying to take Gracie for myself right now, I know that now isn't the best time. I can't take her in the middle of a war and put her in danger like that. If people find out she means something to me, she'll become a target.

Still, I can't stop myself from watching her every spare moment I get. I have cameras put up inside her little apartment and everywhere she frequents. I make sure I have a camera on her at all times. I watch her as she walks to and from work. I have a tracking device installed on her phone so I can pull up the app on my phone and pinpoint her at any moment. I have this obsessive need to know where she is at all times.

When I close my eyes and dream, it’s her pretty green eyes I see shimmering up at me while I'm bent over her, stroking myself in and out of her, listening to her beautiful cries and whimpers as she falls apart on my cock.

I wake up humping my pillow like a rabid beast more times than I can count, and I don't even care. When I wake up in that half-dozing, half-awake, dream-like state and realize what I'm doing, I continue right on fucking my pillow, imagining it's her until I squirt sticky ropes all over it. That's how desperate and hard up I am for her.

I've never felt this way about another woman. In the past, women were a dime a dozen. I won't go so far as to call myself a player, but I'm no virgin. In my younger days, I explored and had my share of women, but lately, all I've needed was my hand to take care of my needs.

Until Grace, that is.

Now she consumes my thoughts. I can't get off without picturing her beautiful green eyes, her tight little body, and even when I do nut harder than I've ever nutted in my entire life, I'm still not satisfied. I'm always aching for more, and I know the only thing that will satisfy me is the real thing.Grace.

Even then, I suspect that one time won't be enough. If I ever get one taste of her, I’ll want more and more and more—like a heroin addict. One hit will never be enough. It'll just fuel the desire for more. Like an alcoholic, I'll have to have more and more to get my fix. I inherently know that.

Which is another reason I know it's not wise for me to be around her. I'm barely hanging on to my control by a thread.

It eventually gets to be too much, and I can't take it anymore. Just one hit. That's all I need. That's what I tell myself anyway as I sit outside her office on one of the nights that she closes. I don't like her walking home alone in these darkened streets anyway, even though I'm always there in the shadows watching over her for in case something happens. I’d feel safer if she was in my vehicle with me.

That's why when she comes out, I'm leaning against the back of my vehicle while my driver sits in the front, awaiting my orders. “Hello, Grace.”
