Page 66 of The Rebel Heir

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“I’d prefer to discuss it in person,” he finally said.

She nodded as she used the side of her hand to wipe away the steam coating the large round mirror over the pedestal sink. In the reflection, her eyes were uneasy. “Uh. Yeah. Sure,” she said. “When?”

“The sooner, the better.”

She nodded even though he couldn’t see her. “I’ll be there within the hour,” she said.

“See you then,” Cole said before ending the call.

Maybe he wants me to sign a promissory note.

Her nerves did not abate as she dried off and dressed in an off-the-shoulder black sweater, with leggings and shiny black, thigh-high boots with heels. She took time with her makeup and hair and then put in her contacts instead of donning her spectacles. A faux sable coat, leather gloves and dangling gold necklaces finished her polished look.

She did not want to look like she felt: single, alone, and hurting from a breakup.

On the drive to Cole’s part of town, she tried to prepare herself for seeing him again. He was a man with great magnetism. His looks. Those eyes. That body. Cole Cress was stylish and charming. His vibe was the essence of cool-and-in-control. His eyes could pierce with contempt or charm without question.

When she stepped up to his front door in the hall of the Chelsea apartment building, she truly thought she was prepared to feign nonchalance.

You got this! You. Got. This.

The door opened and Cole stood there looking at her, far too handsome in a navy V-necked sweater and matching cords.

Oh me. Oh my!

She’d been so wrong. So very wrong.

“Come in,” he said, stepping back and pulling the door open wider.

She gave him a smile she hoped wasn’t awkward as she moved past him. The scent of his cool cologne seemed to surround her and she bit her bottom lip with a wince as she held back a moan of heightened awareness. She jumped when she felt his hands on her shoulders as he helped remove her coat.

Relax, Jillie. Get it together.

But it was hard with his fireplace lit, the lights dimmed, and a few fat candles glowing around the room. Add him smelling good and looking good...

The heat Jillian felt had nothing to do with the fireplace.

“Hungry? I cooked some dinner,” Cole said, hanging her coat in the closet and then moving into the kitchen.

That surprised her, but she just nodded as she walked over to the kitchen. “What smells so good?” she asked, acutely aware of feeling awkward and out of place in Cole’s apartment. Somewhere she had once pictured would be her home, as well.

“What’s wrong?” Cole asked.

She looked over at him. “Nothing,” she lied. “Why?”

“You looked sad just then,” he said, pausing in putting on mitts to take something out the oven.

His eyes stayed locked on her and she shifted under his steady gaze.

“I’m good,” she said.

Their eyes met and held.

Her heart pounded. She felt breathless. Staring into Cole’s eyes, being captivated by him again, was beyond words, thus leaving her speechless.

“Today I met my half-brother Lincoln,” Cole said, finally offering a reprieve by turning away from her to pull a heavy-duty sheet pan from the oven.

Her eyes dipped to take in his buttocks.
