Page 68 of The Rebel Heir

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Cole stiffened.

“I spoke to him after what you said and he admitted that he was hoping he and I would get back together,” she said. “So, I didn’t take the job and told him maybe it was best we saw less of each other because I didn’t want his hope to rise.”

Cole relaxed. “I thought you were going to say y’all—”

“For the past two years, I have not been with anyone but you, Cole,” she admitted.

He lowered her to her feet and then picked her up again, this time with her legs wrapped around his waist so that they were looking at each other. Eye to eye. Mouth to mouth. “Same here,” he promised her, his words breezing against her lips.

She believed him.

With a light lick of her lips, she kissed him.

Cole released a moan of hunger as he deepened it with his clever tongue, turning to press her back against the wall. She grabbed his costly sweater into her fists without a care as she kissed him with every bit of passion she had been denied over the weeks. She was starved for it. For him.


Jillian jerked her head back to break the kiss. He looked dazed, his mouth covered with her sheer-pink gloss as his eyes filled with confusion. “If you had this wonderful epiphany about us, why did I have to call you, Cole Cress?” she asked, using her thumb to clean his lips.

“I have a surprise for you,” he said, carrying her down the hall to his suite.

She released a soft moan at the sight of the lighted candles offering the only illumination in the spacious room other than the moon’s shine. Atop the bed were rose petals and the scent of them burst in the air. In the center of the array was another of his notes.

Cole carried her across the room and set her on her feet as he started to undress her. Her eyes stayed locked on the note.

“You did all this since I called. How?” she asked before her sweater went flying over his head.

“Wealth has its benefits,” Cole said as he undid her bra.

“This is nice. Andthatis very nice,” she said, trembling as he sucked one hard nipple and then the other into his mouth. “But why did I have to call you?”

Cole ignored her as he bent to unzip her boots before removing each along with her sheer socks. He pressed heated kisses to her hips as he slid her leggings and lace thong panties down over her plump bottom and thighs. He turned his head to suck her plump vee with a grunt before giving it a gentle bite.

She cried out and arched her back with a gasp at the pleasure. Naked and shivering before him, Cole looked on as he stepped back from her, his erection pressing against the zipper of his pants as he pulled his sweater over his head, revealing his chiseled chest and abdomen. She closed the gap between them to stroke the flat hairs on his chest before dipping her head to stroke one flat brown nipple with her tongue. “Can I have my note?” she asked as she undid his belt and zipper to work his pants and black boxer briefs around his hard buttocks and even harder inches.

Cole chuckled. “Yes,” he said.

Jillian gripped his tool and gently guided him behind her to the side of the bed as she reached for the note with her free hand. Behind it was a red-velvet, heart-shaped ring box. “Oh,” she said in surprise.

Cole wrapped an arm around her waist. “All of this I did tonight. But that, I purchased a few days ago,” he explained, finally offering the proof of his intentions toward her before her call.

Jillian leaned back against his strength, releasing his erection to clutch her note with both hands as she emotionally choked up.

“I was trying to figure out some grand way to propose and then you called,” he further explained. “I went with fate.”

Tears welled from the joy of being loved by someone she loved and having him want to share the rest of his life with her.Buther fears crept up—she couldn’t deny that. Opening the note, she smiled at his words, caressing them with her fingertips as she read them aloud. “‘I hunger for your love the same as I hunger for your body. Your presence is my comfort zone. Your smile is my light. Making you happy will be my goal for the rest of our lives, my Jillian.’”

Jillian closed her eyes as tears fell. Their affair had begun with a note and it was so romantic of him to propose with one, as well. She wanted nothing more in the world than to believe him. Memories of two failed marriages were her detractors. And she hated that, for Cole and for herself.


Cole pressed one knee into the bed to pick up the ring box before turning to sit on the bed in front of her as he opened it.

The ring was exquisite. She loved its unique design and the brilliant sparkle of the large diamond. “Cole,” she whispered, seeing the flicker of candlelight in his eyes.

He removed the ring from the box. “Will you—?”

“Wait,” she said, reaching to cover the ring and his hand with her own.
