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Once we got home, Caroline welcomed us inside the house. One of the newer patched members -- I think his name was Lock -- was with Caroline, watching her while me and her dad were away. He was the one to open the door, though it was obvious Caroline had forced the issue. She looked at him with annoyance before she threw herself into my arms with a huge smile.

“You’re staying, aren’t you, Talia?”

“Wild horses couldn’t drag me away.”

“Or wolves. Or bears, even,” Doc muttered under his breath.

I shot him a look of annoyance. He tried to hide his grin, but I saw it. I stuck my tongue out at him.

“Got something you can do with that tongue later,” he whispered wickedly in my ear.

“Come on, Talia!” Caroline was practically bouncing with excitement.

“What’s all this?” I laughed as she tugged my hand until I had to quicken my pace to follow her to the newly finished addition Doc had had built onto the house. When she opened the double French doors to the room, I gasped, my mouth hanging open.

The room was hardwood with a large area rug in one inside corner away from the windows. The walls were a muted blue, with the plush furniture a deeper blue. On the rug, a white baby grand piano rested, the lid up and begging to be played.

Tears formed in my eyes, and my hands flew to my mouth as a soft sob escaped. “When did you do this?”

“While you and Dad were gone,” Caroline said cheerfully. “We wanted it to be a surprise.”

“Well,” I sniffed as I laughed tearfully. “It certainly is a surprise!”

“Well?” Doc brushed a kiss in my hair. “I told you I expected you to use it. Play us something.”

I nodded eagerly and walked to the piano, a little in awe of the beautiful instrument. “I don’t know what to say. It’s so beautiful.”

“Consider it my wedding gift to you, Lia. And it’s not half as beautiful as you.”

“Awwww,” Caroline gushed. “That’s so sweet, Dad! I didn’t know you were a romantic!”

“I ain’t. And if you tell anyone, I’ll swear you lied.”

Caroline giggled and wrapped her arms around her father’s waist as she watched me. I could tell she was anxious for me to play. She was probably anxious to play it herself.

There were so many songs I wanted to play for these two special people in my life. So much music that spoke to me so clearly, but I wanted to convey my love in one song. A song of hope and family. Of unconditional love.

I chose a song by Billy Joel. “Lullabye (Goodnight My Angel).”

As I let the chords of the simple but beautiful song flow from my fingers, I was struck at all I’d gained. A daughter. A husband who loved me. A huge extended family who had proven they’d protect me. Friends I knew I’d love for the rest of my life. Most of all, I found myself. And that part of me would always be in Doc’s arms. Jude Collins. I was now Talia Collins. We’d have a ceremony soon, but I would never be more content than I was as I glanced up at the two people who meant more to me than anything else in the world. They watched me with rapt attention, soft smiles on their faces.

And the music continued. Surrounding us. Filling our home with…

