Page 21 of Famously Fake

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I’m finishing up the last measurements above the fridge, using a convenient step stool I found in the closet when the front door opens.

I nearly fall off the stool in a panic. Spencer assured me he wouldn’t be here because he was working and that I’d be alone. His cleaning lady isn’t scheduled until next week, and he doesn’t have anyone else who comes in regularly.

I grab a cast iron pan from where it hangs next to the stove and tiptoe into the hallway. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do when someone breaks into someone else’s house. I’m never alone in my clients’ homes, at least not on the first visit!

I’m arming up to swing when Spencer scares the heck out of me.

“Woah there, slugger! What were you going to do with that pan?”

I drop it onto the hardwood floor and cringe, hoping it didn’t leave a dent. “You scared me! I thought you were an intruder.”

“It’s my house!”

“Which you told me would be empty today.”

“I guess you haven’t checked your phone, then, because I texted you that I finished filming early and would be back soon.”

I pull out my phone, which is on silent, and see his text. My body relaxes. “I was too busy exploring to see it, I guess.”

“So, what do you think of my house so far?”

“It makes me scared for you.”


“There’s nothing here! How can you live like this? It’s the most boring home I’ve ever been to, and I’ve been an interior designer for five years now!”

Spencer chuckles. “I knew you’d have fun with that. I thought about getting some stock photos to put around the house to make it really creepy.”

“I would’ve walked out.”

“It would’ve been worth it, though I’d have wanted to see your face.”

“When did you move in?”

“If I tell you, you’ll be even more weirded out.”

I put my hands on my hips until he says something.

“It’s been over five years.”

I gasp. “That’s not possible. How do you stand it? The walls alone are awful!”

“You get used to it. Plus, I’m not here all that often. When I’m not filming in Los Angeles, I’m in Canada or some other location. I guess I never considered making it homier.”

“That’s where I come in. I can’t in good conscience let you live like this. It hurts my soul.”

“I already said you could do whatever you want!”

“I want it to be something you like.”

He rolls his eyes. “You see how I live. I’ll like anything you do.”

I’m frustrated, but I guess I like the idea of free reign. “Fine. Stay out of my way, though, if you really want me to decide.”

He holds up his hands in surrender. “It’s all yours! I’m going to shower quick, and you can do your thing. Want me to order pizza for dinner?”

I check the time. It’s only a bit after noon. “Kind of early.”

“I meant for later. I’ll stay out of your way until then.”

“Sounds good.”

Spencer does as he promises while I measure and take pictures of the space. This is a big undertaking, but I’ve done more in other houses. I know I can handle it, and I’ll be making a pretty penny for doing it. When I told my bosses back home, they were thrilled that I scored such a big account.

A few hours later, when I’m satisfied with my initial plans, I call Spencer down from his bedroom.

“We can have dinner now,” I tell him. “Do you want to see what I have in mind?”

“I’d rather you surprise me.”

I shrug. “Whatever suits you. The client knows best.”

“I’d argue that you definitely know best in this case.”

Spencer orders pizza, and we enjoy it in the living room, both of us on the couch that looks like it’s hardly ever used. We talk and laugh, and it feels like we’re real people, sharing a real relationship, not two fakers who are only here because of some bad press.

I yawn when the clock gets close to nine. “I should get home. We have a big night tomorrow, right? I’ve never been to a charity ball.”

“It’ll be terrible, but I’m glad you’ll be there with me. I’ll pick you up at five.”

“Sounds good.”

I leave feeling excited about tomorrow. I like spending time with Spencer more than I expected I would.

Too bad we’ve already got an expiration date. Can we stay friends after the break-up?

I hope so, but I guess only time will tell.

Chapter Ten – Spencer

I tug on my tie, which is blue to match the dress I suggested Leila pick up for today’s charity event, on my dime, of course. I hate wearing ties. They always choke me. I know I have no choice when I’m going to a charity ball that is black tie, but I’m going to be happy to get out of this the second I get into the limo to head home.
