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Had the restaurant once been a house? Hmm, it didn’t seem likely. Maybe they had plans to do outdoor seating? But this area was so dark and run-down. There were huge concrete walls on every side except for where the back of the restaurant was.

Set in the concrete wall opposite the back of the restaurant was a garage door. It looked like it was an electric one and the only thing back here that wasn’t run-down.

Odd but not interesting. Or any sort of violation.

All she needed was something small. Maybe evidence that he was breaking a hygiene rule.

Hmm. That would work.

Or underpaying his employees.

Maybe he wasn’t paying his taxes. How would she figure that one out, though?

With a sigh, she moved back out of the alleyway. She spotted a camera above the back door to the restaurant, looking right down at her.

Well, shit.

How had she missed that? Oh well, if anyone wanted to ask her what she was doing here . . . she could say she got lost or something.

Walking off, she made her way back to her hotel room. She frowned when she got to the door and saw an envelope sitting in front of it.

Why hadn’t that been left at reception? Or had it been, and the receptionist left it up here?

Shrugging, she grabbed the envelope and walked into her room. Opening it, she pulled out a piece of paper.

Go home, bitch.

“Whoa. That’s to the point.” Frowning, she wondered who the hell would have put this there.

Davidson? But he had no idea why she was here.

The guy from last night who’d been assaulting Liv? But he wouldn’t know who she is. Not unless Liv told him. Last night, the deputy she’d spoken to had assured her they would talk to Liv and find out who it was.

Thankfully, Deputy Jace hadn’t been on duty. Apparently, he was out of town for a few days.

Yes, she’d asked. And sometimes, things just went her way.

She guessed she should take this to the police station. She sighed as she realized she had gotten her prints all over it.

Popping it in her handbag, she headed out to the police station. She walked inside and looked around.

“Newest bestie!”

Glancing over, she saw Kiesha waving at her enthusiastically with a sucker in her mouth. She got to her feet and raced over, hugging Gwen.

Gwen wasn’t used to being hugged like this.

But there was something about Kiesha that made her feel relaxed. Yeah, she was over-the-top, but Gwen thought she was genuine.

“You came to see me!”

“Oh, well, yes, of course.” Not really. But Gwen knew when to lie.

“What have you been up to, newest bestie? You don’t look so good.” Kiesha frowned. “You need sugar.”

“Ahh. I really don’t.” Much as sugar sounded good right now, she wasn’t really into candy.

Nope. A donut or some chocolate was more her speed.

But Kiesha pulled her over to her desk and opened the drawer.


“That’s a lot of candy.”

“I know. Don’t tell Harry. He won’t be happy.”

“What will he do if he’s not happy?”

“Eh, probably spank my butt.” Kiesha shrugged and sighed.

“He’ll spank you?” she repeated carefully, watching for any signs of distress.

“Oh, yeah, but I agreed to that sort of thing. Harry is my Daddy.”

“He is?” She thought she’d heard her call him that. But it could just have been a cute nickname.

“Uh-huh. You don’t seem that shocked.” Kiesha watched her with too-knowing eyes. “Are you a Little, New Bestie? Because you could join the club.”

“There’s a club?”

“Not really. But most of us in the trivia group are Littles. Maybe not Cleo. She’s a bit too bossy to be a Little. Although what she and Noah get up to in the bedroom . . . and he is fond of spanking her ass.”

“Kiesha!” The roar came from a back office.

“Uh-oh, New Bestie, I’m sorry about using you as a human shield. But he won’t hurt you. Me, on the other hand . . .” Kiesha jumped behind her.

What on earth was going on . . . oh. Hell. She had to bite her lip as Ed came storming out of his office. He was covered in small sparkly dicks.

“Kiesha! Explain!”

Kiesha peeked around from behind her. “Um, I don’t know what you want me to say, boss man. It looks like you’ve been dicked.”

If anything, his eyes bulged more.

Oh, this was a man on the edge.

Kiesha cleared her throat, trying desperately not to laugh as she brushed the small confetti dicks off his face and uniform.

“This is a police station, not a party store,” Ed said stiffly. “Not funny.”

“Hey, Ed.” A deputy walked into the room, and took a look at Ed. Then he stilled and took another glance. “Uh, you’ve got a little something on your cheek.”

“Get back to work,” Ed snarled. “Kiesha! Clean this up.”

“Me? Why?”

“Now!” He stormed away.

She turned and looked at Kiesha and they both burst into laughter. Kiesha grabbed hold of her arms, nearly falling into her.

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