Page 117 of Beautiful

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“You fainted,” I said.

“Unless it was that low-sugar thing again,” Wyatt added.

Mitch looked between us. “Wait. Did Michelle say she was…pregnant?”

I nodded.

A smile grew from ear to ear as Mitch cried out, “I’m going to be a dad! I’m going to be a dad!”

He took off running around the barn, crying out that he was going to be a father.

Wyatt walked up and wrapped his arms around me. He placed his hands on my stomach as I leaned back against his body.

“How happy are you right now, Sky?”

“Beyond-words happy.”

“Life is pretty wonderful, isn’t it?”

Feeling our baby move, I nodded my head. “This day will always be forever beautiful in my memory.”

I turned to face Wyatt. He softly ran the back of his hand down the side of my face and smiled.

“Forever beautiful. Like my amazing wife.”

“Kiss me, Mr. Smith,” I whispered.

The corners of his mouth rose into a smile. “With pleasure, Mrs. Smith.”

The End
