Page 30 of Beautiful

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“I know the only story that matters.”

Shit. I really wish she would just leave before Skylar gets here.

“People are starting to talk about you.”

With a huff, I replied, “Let them.”

“You’re not worried about your reputation?” she asked, sinking her teeth down into her lip.

I couldn’t help it. My eyes looked down.

“Wyatt, why do I get the feeling you’re really a bad boy deep down inside? A bad boy looking for a bit of fun.”

“Oh, yeah,” the girl with the dark blonde hair piled on top of her head said.

“Fun?” I asked. Why I asked, I had no clue.

Jenny tilted her head and moved in closer. “Have you ever had a threesome?”

I choked on my spit. “What?”

Nodding her head, Jenny slowly ran her tongue over her lips.

Is this girl for real? She talks shit about Skylar, yet she is hinting around to a threesome. Is she insane?

“I’m totally down for one,” the blonde said, getting up and sitting next to me. She smiled at me like she wanted to eat me for dinner.

With a chuckle, I shook my head. “You’re both crazy. I think it’s time you and your little friends leave, Jenny.”

She quickly glanced out the window before leaning over the table as she stared down at my lips. Before I even knew what was happening, she started kissing me. The other girl’s hands moved over and started rubbing my dick through my pants. For a few brief moments, I wasn’t sure what in the hell was going on. Jenny was trying to force her damn tongue in my mouth while her friend was rubbing on my junk. When Jenny moaned, I snapped out of it and pulled back.

Glaring at her, I barked out, “What the hell, Jenny?”

“That was just a taste of what you will get.”

Her friend tried to go for me again, but I grabbed her hand and pushed her out of the booth.

Jenny sat back, glanced out the window, and smiled the evilest grin I’d ever seen. I slowly looked out and saw Skylar standing there. She quickly looked back and forth between Jenny and me. Wiping a tear away, she turned and walked back to her car.

“Shit,” I whispered. I turned back to Jenny. “You planned that, didn’t you?”

She tried to appear stunned. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I saw the way you were looking at me, Wyatt. You want it as much as I do,” she said with a wink.

“You’re sick and twisted, you know that?” I shook my head and stood.

I felt sick to my stomach as I made my way outside to Skylar. “Skylar!” I shouted.

She started to run to her car.

“Son of a bitch! Sky, please! It’s not what you think.”

When I made it to her car, she tried to shut the door, but I grabbed it before she could.

“Leave me alone, Wyatt. I should have known you were only after one thing from me, like all of them.”

My eyes widened in shock. “What? You know damn well, that’s not true, Skylar.”

She looked up at me, tears streaming from her eyes. My legs felt like they were going to buckle out from underneath me.

“Please let go of my door, Wyatt.”

“Skylar, she kissed me, and I wasn’t expecting her to.”

Wiping her tears away, she asked, “And Cara? What was she doing? From where I was standing, she looked like she was feeling you up.”

“Did you also see me push her and her hand away from me? They set it all up, Skylar, I swear to you.”

Her chin trembled. “You kissed her, Wyatt. You didn’t even try to pull away at first.”

I closed my eyes. I couldn’t argue with her on that one. I hadn’t reacted fast enough.

“Please let me go, Wyatt. Please.”

My eyes snapped open. I was still holding the door open, not letting her shut it. I could see the fear in her eyes. Letting it go, I took a step back, and she shut the door. Starting her car, she quickly drove off, leaving me standing there.

As I watched her taillights drive off in the distance, my heart felt as if it was physically aching. Closing my eyes, I whispered, “Skylar…”


* * *


TEARS STREAMED DOWN my face as I pulled my car into the driveway. Dragging in a deep breath, I tried to calm myself down before I walked into the house.

What did I just see? Did Jenny set it all up?

Wyatt had seemed pissed after he came to his senses and pulled away from her. Yet…it had taken him a few moments to snap out of it. One girl had felt him up while another had kissed him. If I hadn’t known better, I’d have thought he was into it.

Burying my face in my hands, I screamed, “How stupid am I?”

What in the world did I think was going to happen? Maybe I shouldn’t have done what I did last night. Wyatt didn’t act like he wanted anything more, but maybe he did.
