Page 163 of Embers

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Think of something else—

“Argh!” I startled as an echidna appeared down the burrow to my left.

“What is it?” Rosie asked, sitting up.

I swore. “No threat. Just another critter taking shelter.” The echidna turned and left us. “I wonder where that goes. Has anyone mapped the size of Hades’ burrow?”

“Not that I’m aware. The air is fresh though from that direction. It’s a little smoky from my side.”

“We could try to see where that goes…”

“Wombat burrows can narrow, and also be dead ends.” Rosie sighed in the dark. I could just make out her profile by moonlight. “Maria and Angelo know I was headed here, or at least near here. I don’t think it’s a good idea to head out if there’s a risk of the vehicles getting caught in the fire. Let’s wait for the brigade.”

“Agreed.” I sighed, adjusting one leg to rest on my backpack. “We wait.”

Rosie settled, placing her head on my lap. “So.”


“You wanted to talk to me tonight.”

“I did. This is not the way I imagined it would go down.”

In spite of everything, Rosie chuckled. “Nothing is remotely standard or normal about our romance.”

I took a chance in the dark. “I want more than just one night of a fantasy. I can’t stop thinking about taking you on a proper date.”

“A proper date?”

“Yes. And since you’re stuck with me in Hades’ palatial residence, I’m asking you. To go on a date. A proper date with dinner and fancy stuff.” Rosie shook with giggles. “You’re laughing at the idea of going on a date with me?”

“No, it’s just that … everyone’s been assuming we are going to get married. Like … that.”

I groaned. “Not you, too? Even your dad welcomed me in advance as his son-in-law.”

Rosie went silent. She hadn’t said yes, or no, to a date. Or sounded horrified at the idea of marrying me.

She touched my leg, and whispered, “three years.”

“What’s three years?” I whispered back.

“Promise me you won’t ask me to marry you for three years. From today.”

“Are you saying you will go on a date with me?”

“After the wool clip and opera, a proper date.”

“I promise, three years.” I slid my hand down her side. If only I could hold her. But this would do for now.

“Aren’t you going to ask me why?”

“No, but you want me to.” I smiled. “Why?”

“Because Richard shook my confidence, and I need to make sure I’m with you for the right reasons. I made up three years as a timeframe.”

I chuckled. “In three years, on this day, I’m asking you to marry me.”

“You don’t know if we’ll last,” she scoffed but a contented sigh followed her doubt.

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