Page 171 of Embers

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My short-term memory was shot with the pregnancy hormones and the fatigue of carryingthreebabies.

“Oh my god, today is three years since Hades’ burrow and the fire?”

He nodded. “I was going to take you to up to the burrow and get down on my knee there, but …” He looked pointedly at my stomach. “Didn’t think you’d appreciate scrambling in and out, or that the new burrow resident would appreciate it either.”

“I can walk just fine,” I gritted out, even though I waddled like a penguin.

“I’m asking you to be my wife, as well as the mother of my three kids. We’ve been together for three years. Had our fights, our ups and our downs, and I want you. Even more than I did back then. You’re my forever person, Rosie.”

“You haven’t asked me yet. You’ve just been telling me.”

Why was I fighting?

Tom just grinned. “Will you marry me, Rosie?”

“Are you suggesting I get married like this? Sweating and waddling down the aisle like the first whale that came ashore and started to walk? I feel gross. I’m bloated beyond anything I’ve ever known. I haven’t seen my ankles in two months, let alone be able to wax or shave anything downstairs. I am a mess of emotions and feelings right now, Thomas Turner. And you have the cheek and audacity to get down on one knee and brandish that beautiful emerald and diamonds on gold at me, all arrogant-like, because not only have you impregnated me with twins, you managed to sneak in a bonus baby on top of that—”

Tom reached over and ended my monologue with a searing kiss.

A throat cleared behind him, and he broke the kiss, pulling back, looking sheepish.

An older man was with Fiona, who regarded us with amusement. “This is Doctor Barrett; he’s reviewed the images and would like to talk to you, if you’re not too busy.”

“Nice to meet you, Doc. We’ll be right with you.” Tom turned back to me, holding up the dazzling ring. “If you want to marry before the babies arrive, I’ll do it. If you want a big wedding, you’re on. If you want to sign papers at the courthouse, I’m there with a pen. Anything you want, love. It’s yours, and I’m yours.”

“Yes.” It was always going to be yes with my forever person. Just a matter of when. And today was that when.

Fiona gasped behind us and Doctor Barrett raised an eyebrow and then checked his watch.

Tom huffed in surprise, as if not believing me. “Yes? You said yes?”

“I did. But I’ll do it in a year and six weeks. Or eight.”

His grin wavered. “Why the strangely specific timeframe, love?”

“The triplets will be able to walk down the aisle with me by then. I think. After they turn one.”

He grinned and picked up my hand, sliding the ring on … to my second knuckle.

“Goddamn bloating—” I grumped, the gemstone winking under the lights.

Tom kissed my forehead. “It will fit, after we meet our bubs. I promise.”

A throat cleared again. “If I may?” Doctor Barrett gestured to the image of our babies on the screen.

“Yes, thank you. Engaged and triplets. What a day.”

Tom kept on grinning, holding my hand with the ring. So shiny.

The doctor scrolled through the images and brought up one. “We can definitively tell you have two boys. I understand from your previous scans your third baby has been hiding behind her brothers.”

“Wait … what? Her?” I spluttered.

Tom inhaled sharply.

“That’s right. We’re quite sure your third baby is a girl as she’s missing the necessary equipment, shall we say, that her brothers clearly have.”

Tears ran down my cheeks.

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