Page 54 of Embers

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“You volunteer. Is different. Gianni has turned his back on his family.”

Angelo, though, had ignored my jibe about growing grapes alongside sheep. Why did a farm have to be one thing and one thing only? Pete’s parents relied solely on sorghum, and they had to sell in the end. Flo next door to us was diversifying into accommodation on her apple orchard as many other farmers had in our district.

Why couldn’t wombats and wine work?

“And you think Rosie has done the same?” I licked my lips, curiosity getting the better of me. “What actually happened at this awards dinner?”

Constant hushed whispers at home between Amanda and Mum about it, and then hearing Rosie’s family arguing over a video at the awards dinner had me beyond curious.

“Want to see it?” Anthea piped up, rapidly scrolling on her phone. “It’s still floating around on social media.”

Both Mama Z and Angelo protested, but Anthea handed her phone over.

“It’s out there, guys. He might as well see it for himself.”

I hit play as a guy, Richard, with Rosie at a lectern on stage asked for her hand in marriage.

Rosie baulked and said no immediately. A muscle in Richard’s temple twitched. His smile was easy-going but his eyes were cold and distant.

The guy had just been rejected in front of the research community of his university but he wasn’t sad, or looking like his world had been turned upside-down. He looked pissed off that Rosie hadn’t done as she should have.

“It was photo after photo of this man cheating on my Rosie. With students and with other staff. Photos of text messages, of him kissing another woman.”

I paid attention to the video playing behind them and sure enough, texts and photos played on screen. Rosie fled from the stage and whoever was filming zoomed in on Richard’s face as the video kept playing. Several technicians joined him on stage and frantically pressed several buttons and the video ended.

Christ on a combine harvester. Rosie had gone through hell that night.

“Your daughter was publicly humiliated by this man’s actions.”

I handed back Anthea’s phone and glanced at Angelo, whose eyes were glassy.

“He promised us all the world, striding in here, saying everything would be different and better for our future,” Mama Z whispered.

“He fucked his way in and almost fucked it all up,” Anthea muttered under her breath.

Her parents didn’t bother to admonish her for swearing. Anthea was right.

“After dealing with this Richard guy, I understand you’d want to keep your business with family. And Rosieisfamily, and capable, whether she was with Richard or not.”

Everyone sat in silence.

“Where is Rosie?” Mama Z looked out of the office window. “Rosalba? Rosalba!”

“Rosie’s gone out,” Anthea said. “She texted about going to the pub and not being here for dinner. Left about half an hour ago.”

I glanced at the bag I’d brought over, not wanting to leave Rosie’s boudoir photos in the office where her family might see it.

Boudoir photos would not help the situation in the Zanetti family right now.

Right then, my phone pinged.

Pete: we have a situation at the pub. Someone is getting trashed this evening. She’s refusing to call someone to come and get her

Pete: Thought you’d like to know *photo attached *

I opened the image to find a photo of Rosie trying to get up on the bar with some guy’s hand on her butt pushing her up.

If only Ryan was working tonight. I closed the photo, keeping my voice as even and cool as possible. “How about I go to the pub and check on Rosie? I’ll drive her back if she’s been drinking.”

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